Hosting in Redondo Beach and Torrance CA

Hosting in Redondo Beach and Torrance CA

Looking into hosting in Torrance and Redondo Beach, CA. I am finding it difficult to locate any help online for regulations in Redondo Beach. Any guidance and experience with how to get started in these areas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

STR regulations are normally on your local government website @Danielle1527 

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

I'm looking for the same information, @Danielle1527 ! It says short term rentals are "technically" illegal in Redondo Beach. That leaves room for a whole lot of speculation. Technically? I'd like to see the statutes to back that up beyond it being a "preference" of the City. Please share what you find!

Hi @A-J-34!  I'm actually looking for a co-host in Redondo Beach / Carson area right now.  Please check my other post and message me if interested 🙂

Level 2
Vancouver, Canada

Hi @Danielle1527, I looked into Torrance as well.  I think it's fine, much better than LA city.  I'm actually looking for a co-host in this area right now.  Please check my other post and message me if interested 🙂