How are Indian hosts handling GST invoices?

How are Indian hosts handling GST invoices?

Hi fellow hosts,

I’ve been hosting on Airbnb in India and wanted to understand how other hosts are managing GST invoices. Since Airbnb provides an automated receipt for guests and a CSV earnings report for hosts, how do you handle GST invoicing for your earnings?

Do you generate your own invoice for accounting purposes, or is there an option within Airbnb that I might have missed? Would love to hear how experienced hosts are managing this!

Thanks in advance for your help! 


2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Shreepuram0  😊

Thank you so much for asking this question here!


Have you found an answer in the meantime?

I'm sharing these articles with you, let me know if they help!


👉 Guidance on Goods and Services Tax (GST) for India hosts 


I'm also tagging a few hosts from India: @Peace-Stays0@Amrita8@Dr-Jayanthi1 and @Roy1245.

Thank you in advance, everyone!


Warm regards 🌻,


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Level 3
Jaipur, India

@Shreepuram0 Just add PAn in Tax details and gst collected by Airbnb should Go to Govt of India.

