I requested some changes to my 1099 form, and no one has res...
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I requested some changes to my 1099 form, and no one has responded, no one knows anything, for over 15 business days, and Air...
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I wanted to add a new picture to my listing and had to create a photo tour. It's horrid! Nothing makes sense and everything is out of order. How do i go about deleting it?
Here is ABnB's answer to why my chosen cover photo isn't showing:
A listing’s cover photo can vary depending on the category it’s being featured in.
For example, if a listing is being featured in the Rooms category, it’s likely that a cover photo which emphasizes the interior of the room would have been featured.
Once the best cover photo for a listing in the Rooms category is selected, the listing will display the cover photo in any search.
Technically, our internal team choose the perfect photo in the search result, and the cover photo will see if you click the exact listing.
So apparently a dining room table is considered to be the best way to show my guest bedroom in a shared home? Anyway, I removed the dining table photo and now my chosen cover photo is showing, although I believe this is temporary.
I fixed the dedicated bathroom showing when its a shared bath. Apparently when I rearranged my photos, the Privacy selections were deleted. Once I went in and chose those again all is well 🙂
The only thing left to fix is that my listing shows a double bed, when I have a full bed. Not a huge issue, but since a full bed is larger than a double bed, it would be nice to let guests know that.
I have a room that is empty with no photos, the photo tour still remains.
That is strange...I just setup a new listing for a client and that method worked fine. Remember, the left side in the Listing Editor will still say "photo tour", but when you click all photos at the top right you'll see all the photos in a grid, not separated by room.
If when doing the above and you still have the tour, I would try moving some more photos out of another room to additional photos (not the bedroom photos) and check it again. You have to click "All Photos" at top to determine it is not the tour. You can also view your listing as a guest to see if the tour has been deleted.
The good news Jenessa is that I've been on all of your listings and you have a lot! and didn't see any of them showing up with the Photo Tour when viewed as a guest on the Airbnb site unless I'm missing something?
I remember reading a while back on a post here that a host said that whilst the listing appears without the PT for guests if you have done the workaround (ie: a PT is only valid if it has a photo in EACH room) as a host you still see the interface for the Photo Tour. Could that explain why on your end you're seeing you still feel as if you're with the PT?
Let us know!
The easiest way to do this is just simply delete your photos. You will need to leave one. Then just upload them again and organise them as you had them before. It took me 5 minutes. Problem solved!
Yes, it's awful! I'm now spending time trying to undo this mess when I would rather be doing something else.
The literal simplest way to get around this is to add a room and don't put any photos in it.
I just added a room called "exterior", and when prompted to add photos to it I clicked "skip for now". When I went to my listing as a guest the photos show up in the order I placed them, with no ridiculous photo tour and all my bed/bath count is still correct.
All the other moving of photos into a single room, deleting and adding back photos, is a waste of time and completely unnecessary.
Hi @Jenny838 ,
Totally agree that the AIRBNB auto generated photo tour is a terrible experience. It does a disservice to the listing, is not an accurate representation of how a guest would use the space, for example bedrooms and associated bathrooms are disconnected, living spaces and there adjacent outdoor spaces are disconnected, and on and on, and gives an overall very disjointed feel to a space.
The AIRBNB photo tour doesn't seem to cater to how a guest, who has never seen the space, consumes information. It just boils the listing done to an unfamiliar grouping of images versus a strategic experience thru photography.
The option to use the 'photo tour' is only available if you associate a photo with each and every named room or space. Therefore, in order to disable this option you need one room or space without a photo designated to it. In other words, just don't associate a photo with one space.
In my space, I have a 'balcony' as one of my named spaces. I have a photo of the balcony in my listing but it is unassigned. People can see what it is, the photo has a caption and so on. My photo tour is more akin to how one might walk thru the space and experience the space as a guest versus just a look at each individual space.
Good luck and wish you much success!