Hi, my husband and I want to host people who serve others, e...
Hi, my husband and I want to host people who serve others, e.g. Pastors, firefighters, etc. midweek, for minimum charge. I a...
I wanted to add a new picture to my listing and had to create a photo tour. It's horrid! Nothing makes sense and everything is out of order. How do i go about deleting it?
Hi Jenny,
I agree, I strongly dislike the new "Photo Tour". It doesn't give me any control over what areas are featured first, and doesn't work well for my rooms, which are studio units. I really liked the old format where I could arrange all the photos in whatever order I wanted and guide the guests myself... Please AirBNB, make this an optional thing. It's not really an improvement.
Agreed this new addition of Photo Tour is a mess. i also have a small guest house and it lists the kitchette as the bedroom. I cannot find a way to straighten it out either.
Hello @Sandalwood-Properties0
I went onto your new property that has the photo tour and your kitchenette shows up as a kitchenette and the bedroom as a bedroom so it looks like you found a way to sort out the earlier problem?
Yes, but they want the backyard show up first not the kitchen first.
Agreed! I finally got around to update the photos on our 10 listing ... didn't know any better and then realized the photo tour was horrid. I spent so much time selecting, uploading, sorting and captioning 40+ on each listing ... only to have this BS show up.
Called in. Of course, was told that I could delete my listing. And supervisors and techs aren't available for at least 3 hours.
So I see below that "in my spare time" I can go thru each photo on each listing and move it out of their selected room and just into the add'l photo "room".
Would be nice if someone was available to help with the issues by phone when needed. Those who answer, with all due respect, likely only have a folder to read.
And if one more person on their staff says ... I totally understand ... no you don't unless you are semi retired and have the number of rentals I have. I usually try to take Saturdays off. Not today. I wish there were other choices.
I decided to keep to the old version until we are forced to use the new system.
I have found almost all Airbnb releases have so many bugs and issues that it's worth waiting until it has been rolled out for a while.
It does make you wonder what sort of testing is done before releasing these changes.
The new calendar was unusable when it was first released, for example.
You can get a paid version from Airbnb I see - maybe a money grab?
Hello @Susan6149
I'm confused, the Photo Tour is completely free but maybe you are referring to something else?
it’s difficult to use I can’t fix photos the way I would like them- they have bedrooms 1 and 2 as the same - can’t seem to fix and would like to change the cover photo- no options but I seee I can pay them for a more “ professional version “
Hi @Jenny838 ! Did you manage to add a new picture to the photo tour?
There's an article that might be of some help, just in case : Add a Photo Tour to your listing.
@Jenny838 To delete a Photo Tour contact Airbnb support. They deleted it for me. Takes 2-3 days. I used their texting window interface to request this. The support person hands it off to another team.
Yes, the PT sucks big time for cases where you want to showcase beautiful outdoors first, before indoors. I wrote commercial software for over 31 years in oil industry. We tested before rollout. Nowadays they don't; rather let the public do the testing. Different scenarios, like beautiful outdoors settings, they don't consider before rollout. Pretty idiotic.
How do I get in touch with AirBnB support dirrecly? All I manage is this forum.
Photo tour screwed evrything up.
Hi @Jenny838 , you need to go to the photo tour, click on the album (ex. living room), scroll all the way to the bottom and select delete room. You would need to go through each room
album on the room tour and delete it.
If you delete each room it eventually lists your house as a studio with no bathrooms so don’t listen to these instructions like I did