Foreigners who earn income in Mexico may apply for a foreigner RFC without applying for residency.
You need to find a facilitator or Mexican accountant who understands this process and won’t tell you that you must apply for residency. This link to Mexican tax authority (SAT) says it is possible: **
You need to this soon after you purchase your property because you need to be able to obtain the electronic invoices (facturas) that will allow you to write off expenses that will reduce your capital gains when you go to sell your property. I know of people who are selling their condos because AirBnb recently started withholding 20% for income tax because they don’t have an RFC. If you have a personal RFC, the rate is 4%.
I would like to hear from someone who has obtained an RFC through this process. It should be considerably less than the residency process.
**[Broken link removed by Community Manager]