Hi there. Does anyone know which party is imposing the HST c...
Hi there. Does anyone know which party is imposing the HST charge on sales of airbnb's? Better yet, does anyone know which pa...
If you're not a CPA, please provide a link to your answer. If you're not 100% sure, please dont respond.
Hi I am renting a house and renting out rooms. Can I deduct any part of my rent on my income tax?
-I live in the house 365
-I rent out 4 of the 5 bedrooms most of the year
-I dont own the home nor am a partial owner
Thanks in advance!
The Help Center is a good source of information for you about many issues. Here is a link to an article about your question.
It just says that it may be. Maybe and ask a tax consultant does not answer my question.
@Matt711 your post is a request for free professional tax advice. In your shoes I would hire a CPA like everyone else.
Sorry for the confusion. See I thought when I put this statement at the top and made it bold, it would be read and understood. I'll repeat it.
If you're not a CPA, then please provide a link to your answer. If you're not 100% sure, please don't respond.
And not EVERYONE else pays for tax services.
In the article, @Matt711 , is a very complete Ernst and Young article about short term rental US federal tax deductions. Perhaps you did not use this link. It is so professionally written that I provided it to my CPA a few years back when I first started this business. Ultimately you will have to consult either a CPA or use a tax softwear that will guide your deductions. Good to have the general background information.
I read allot of that article and it did have a break down map but it didn't seem to answer the question as to whether I can write off a portion of rent if I am renting out rooms in a house that I am also renting that I live in.
Also, links to professional services are routinely scrubbed by the Community Center Administration. However, should a CPA want to work with you, they can private message you. So perhaps rather than request a link, request a private message response. That should work better.
I'm not a CPA but I play one on TV.
@Kia272 I thought I recognized you! OMG you also starred in that movie with Sher. I'm trying to remember the name... something like mask I think?
@Matt711 "And not EVERYONE else pays for tax services. "
You're right. Some cheap people try to get professionals to provide advice for free.
I read "Every Airbnb Host's Tax Guide" by Stephen Fishman. It's a NOLO publication, simple to read and informative.