Income Tax Return on Co-host payouts in India

Level 1
New Delhi, India

Income Tax Return on Co-host payouts in India

Hello Everyone!

I am a listing owner on Airbnb and have arranged to give 50% of the total payout to my co-host. However, Airbnb says that I will need to pay taxes on the entire booking amount. For instance, if I receive a booking of 1,000 Rupees and my co-host gets 500 Rupees (50% of the payout), I will still need to file income tax returns on the full 1,000 Rupees.  My co-host will also have to file income tax returns on his 500 Rupees share. 

Is this correct? If so, we both would be filing income tax returns on a combined total of 1,500 Rupees, even though the total payout is only 1,000 Rupees. I'm confused about this, so please help

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