Introductory photos - Úvodní fotografie


Introductory photos - Úvodní fotografie

Ahoj všichni,


mám dotaz. Zvolila jsem konkrétní úvodní fotku svého ubytování, ale ve vyhledavání se objevuje jiná. Nesmyslně se objevuje fotka kuchyně. Už se to děje nějakou dobu. Byla tam i fotka obývacího pokoje, musela jsem fotku vymazat, pak tam chvíli byla fotka, kterou jsem chtěla, ale opět je tam jiná.

Dívala jsem se na nabídky v okolí a pochybuju, že jsou to fotky, které si oronajímatelé vybrali k prezentaci.



Google Translation added by Community Manager:  Hello everyone,


I have a question. I chose a specific opening photo of my accommodation, but a different one appears in the search. A photo of the kitchen appears pointlessly. It's been happening for a while now. There was also a photo of the living room, I had to delete the photo, then for a while there was the photo I wanted, but again there is another one.

I looked at the offers in the area and I doubt that these are the photos that the renters chose for presentation.



Top Answer
Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

 @Alexandra2127  this must be challenging for you. @Rebecca  has mentioned me  in that I might be able to help you. I am looking at the photos thinking what I see do I want to stay here. Unfortunately, the photos is what sells or markets the choice of accommodation to choose from another Hosts accommodation similar to mine in the same area.


I am trying to assist you with your choice of photos to present for your shared accommodation. You have good reviews. If you have guests staying from overseas often their lifestyle and living conditions are often different to ours and they may have different expectations. That is why your photos have to tell your story of what you have to offer.


My choice of opening photo would be the one that you like best. I think the photos of your living space and fire would look better than the outside with  the parking space. 


The other space I like was the work space in the bedroom because it was light looked good by the window. But you have different photos of the desk one with a plant on that looks good. Another the desk is beside different windo  without a plant and 2 of the same. I think you only need one of them and I don't think you need the one with free parking on it.


The kitchen I like the one with the blue curtains but the second photo has different curtains. So I think this would confuse guests. To me it says what am I going to find.


I liked the photo of the outside patio especially the one with the bench seat and plants. Sometimes only one with the best view is best. You could have a photo of the big tree in flower/ blossom on would also look good. 


I liked the photo with the car parking space with the flower pointing this out. But there are 2 others the same which I don't think are needed. Often presenting less is better.


I loved the view of your home  with the snow. That is a good idea and you could have seasonal photos with the same view at different times of the year. 


I hope these suggestions will help you with your choice of photos to present for your listing.


What I do is look at Airbnb listing's in my neighbourhood. I see what there photos they have to present their accommodation and do see that I like and can I do something similar.


The photo tips I have read say the best time to take photos is at midday in summer with the best light. I often take different photos around our Airbnb when I think the garden looks the best and our rooms are looking good with different light.


I hope my suggestions have helped and I always say to myself these photos are in a magazine or the realestate agents and the property is on the market to sell. 

Thinking of you and take care

Laurelle .


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5 Replies 5
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Alexandra2127 👋


This must be really frustrating for you. @Joan2709 and @Laurelle3 are usually pretty good with these things. I hope you don't mind me tagging you here 😊 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

 @Alexandra2127  this must be challenging for you. @Rebecca  has mentioned me  in that I might be able to help you. I am looking at the photos thinking what I see do I want to stay here. Unfortunately, the photos is what sells or markets the choice of accommodation to choose from another Hosts accommodation similar to mine in the same area.


I am trying to assist you with your choice of photos to present for your shared accommodation. You have good reviews. If you have guests staying from overseas often their lifestyle and living conditions are often different to ours and they may have different expectations. That is why your photos have to tell your story of what you have to offer.


My choice of opening photo would be the one that you like best. I think the photos of your living space and fire would look better than the outside with  the parking space. 


The other space I like was the work space in the bedroom because it was light looked good by the window. But you have different photos of the desk one with a plant on that looks good. Another the desk is beside different windo  without a plant and 2 of the same. I think you only need one of them and I don't think you need the one with free parking on it.


The kitchen I like the one with the blue curtains but the second photo has different curtains. So I think this would confuse guests. To me it says what am I going to find.


I liked the photo of the outside patio especially the one with the bench seat and plants. Sometimes only one with the best view is best. You could have a photo of the big tree in flower/ blossom on would also look good. 


I liked the photo with the car parking space with the flower pointing this out. But there are 2 others the same which I don't think are needed. Often presenting less is better.


I loved the view of your home  with the snow. That is a good idea and you could have seasonal photos with the same view at different times of the year. 


I hope these suggestions will help you with your choice of photos to present for your listing.


What I do is look at Airbnb listing's in my neighbourhood. I see what there photos they have to present their accommodation and do see that I like and can I do something similar.


The photo tips I have read say the best time to take photos is at midday in summer with the best light. I often take different photos around our Airbnb when I think the garden looks the best and our rooms are looking good with different light.


I hope my suggestions have helped and I always say to myself these photos are in a magazine or the realestate agents and the property is on the market to sell. 

Thinking of you and take care

Laurelle .


Hello @Laurelle3 ,


thank you very much for your time, I will read the letter more times and make a decision.

Today I put more photos of the house aby se ve vyhledávači objevila ta správná fotka. 


Fotku s krbem tam mívám v zimě.


Ještě jednou děkuji

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Thank you so much @Laurelle3 . Beautiful observations and a great support for @Alexandra2127 😍 


The living room photo with the fire is so inviting. Do you have the fire lit for guests often? Do your guests talk about their favourite spots in their reviews? I think @Marie8425 mentioned this previously. I hope you don't mind me tagging you in Marie. 😊



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Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


My suggestion would be choose based on the market you please most. Your living room is beautiful but not what happy Guests even mention so I am guessing they aren't coming to sit in your beautiful living room.  It appears that most of your guests are business travelers.  You have a good picture of what they highlight a clean room and a comfortable work space.