I have been a host for over 5 years with 3 properties and re...
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I have been a host for over 5 years with 3 properties and recently became a co-host. I have always used Airbnb exclusively an...
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We have been experiencing the same issue, with regards to Airbnb asking for ownership documents for a 3rd party with NO beneficial ownership of the trust but merely acting in an administrative function. Which is also mentioned in the trust deed. After pointing it out many times to the robot behind The KYC department, still no luck or understanding regarding this situation. My payouts have been paused since July 2024, being over 6 months now.
The response time is extremely slow and i am told that there is no possible way of getting someone from the KYC department on a call to resolve the issue. Myself, along with many other hosts are experiencing the same issue with no resolution in sight. It is as if we are talking to a brick wall with no compromise or solution to the issue.
Has anyone experienced this issue recently and have any way of finding a solution or details of someone who i can call, as the agents working on this case are incapable of understanding the statutory requirements of the a Trust and its setup.
Any assistance from Airbnb or the community will be appreciated.
Kind regards
Hi @Saien0,
I'm really sorry to hear you've had some issues with your payouts for a few months. I wanted to check in and see whether you'd managed to find a solution with the help of the support team since you last posted?
It would be great to know how you're getting on. 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Hi Saieno
Air bnb have asked me for the trust feed documents, I am assuming this is also what they have asked you for.
So you manage to find out where to get these and if so do you have an idea of what they look like?
In my case, yes, they requested a trust deed. Although the lawyer drafted a document stating the testament becomes the Trust Deed and no further trust deeds may be issued, they have still not released our funds.
@Saien0 did you manage to get this sorted out? I am absolutely desperate to get my payout issues sorted out, having the same problem as you.
Hi I am going through the same issue now. I am unwilling to list trustees as 'beneficial owners' as they are neither owners and are not allowed to benefit from the trust. Air BnB does not understand this. It is like talking to a wall. They are actively pushing me towards being fraudulent in order to complete their form which only allows for max 4 people to be involved ( we have 3 trustees and 3 beneficiaries) , no room for explanation or notes and no room for discussion. Air BnB is forcing us to describe ourselves in a way that is not true, it is not a know your customer policy but we want our customer to describe themselves the way we want even if it is fraudulent. UK KYC policy uses the phrase Persons of Significant Control (PSC) which is much clearer and flexible, in our case that would be the trustees. Air BnB revise your form !!!! this is crazy..ö
I am new as a host and is sitting with exactly the same issue. Bookings were accepted by AirBnB and then only after the bookings have been confirmed, it was noted that they noticed the payment must go to a trust account. Thus assuming that the property belongs to a trust, they asked for more documentation which I provided but still the payouts are paused. I did not want to leave my customers stranded over the festive season so we continued hosting hoping that we will be able to sort this mess out in the new year. Up this to this point AirBnB has not accepted our Trust documentation as issued by the Magistrate. We even went to see our lawyer who drafted a specific document to AirBnB stating that the Testament becomes the Trust Deed, no further Trust Deed may be issues as stated in law. Still they are not accepting the letter and the support system is absolutely useless as we are going in circles all the time. The call center is also not able to provide assistance although I tried 3 times already, stating they are not training for this and it will be escalated, then the loop starts AGAIN!
We have thus hosted during Dec and Jan at a huge loss as we pay for cleaning and hosting to be done on our behalf on our property.
If the lawyer confirm that the letter is sufficient, what else can be done to rectify this issue? I am desperate to have our funds that are owed to us paid out.
Hi, just a quick update. This matter was escalated to a specialist in the Payments Compliance team following the posts on the community forum.
Payout was made and all outstanding payouts has been settled.