Lack of reservations

Level 2
Chgo, IL

Lack of reservations

Is anyone else experiencing lack of reservations lately?

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Tampa, FL

Hello fellow Host!  YES I have indeed have experienced a complete hault in my five year business as a superhost..It is beyond scary.

I haven't experienced this before, even during the peak of covid.

I am trying to take into consideration all the obvious factors of inflation, high gas prices, flights priced double and triple from last year, increased food prices, etc., however, it  deeply affecting my income. My one Airbnb property usually pays my mortgage. I am apprehensive to lower my rates too low as too avoid riffraff. I haven't had a guest in three solid weeks or any inquiries. My next guest is on the calender in two more weeks. 

I was also wondering if the very recent change in listing categories  announced by Airbnb right around the exact time of the complete haul in business is a coincidence or if somehow my listing is no longer visible..(it is btw)..I hear crickets now instead of dollar signs. 


Level 2
Río Grande, Puerto Rico

Here in PR we are all experiencing the same thing 😞 Not sure if it is that the market is over crowded or that the fear of a Depression is keeping people at home.  I think we are also going to see a change in bookings going back to being a Seasonal thing rather than an all year long since the Pandemic is almost over and people are having to go back to work and school.