Hi I want to register my tourism business in dubai on airbnb...
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Hi I want to register my tourism business in dubai on airbnb how i can have to register for this
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Dear Community members,
I am starting this conversation to have an understanding about this French company leavy.co scam. Since they are not replying to my mails so I thought this might be best place to share my story.
If you happens to know a homeowner or a travel host who has been scammed by this company in any way please feel free to share your experiences and views. Doesn’t matters wherever you are across the globe France, Spain, Netherlands or London, please have courage to share because that way we have some sort of understanding that it is not about one or two people, but I believe there are many who are scammed by them.
I share mine for sure.
So, I started working for Leavy.co in January 2022 as a travel host, I obviously was very excited as, I love to work with traveler’s and host my city Tilburg, Netherlands. In the beginning everything was fine, but later we had to do readjustments in terms of payments. And that they were going through reorganisation matters. From the month of June 2022 till August 2022 things were going in the right direction. My client homeowner and me we were finally satisfied. Here we enter in the month of September and dammm Leavy disaster hit us.
End of September my client homeowner and we got our payments which were divided into two parts, without any prior discussion or any clarification beforehand. From October 2022 - December 2022, we have been trying to send them many mails, payment reminders and all we got some reassurance mail that yea we have changed some systems, and that you will get paid bla bla. But no, we never got those payments and my invoices are still open for that period and same for the homeowner and my another coworker as well.
What really bothers me at this stage the fact that they have not given any explanation or clarification in terms of why they are not being able to pay us. I believe losses happens and businesses goes bankrupt, it’s all part of life. But as a company you must at least take some responsibility to explain the matters to the people who are also working hard to get things works out properly. In December 2022, I decided to quit working for them because otherwise they would have let me keep on working without paying my previous invoices.
At the moment, I am seriously planning to file a police case against this company in the Netherlands simply because I feel that they should be held accountable for what they have done wrong. Till today, I never got any reasonable explanation from them about their situation. I am forced to feel like this is simply a scam in a way. That you let someone work without paying them, or that homeowners who have taken huge risk in terms of trusting them and giving them responsibility to take care of their houses, and all they get in return is a damage house and not being refunded at all. I believe it is a scam, injustice and a company who did managed to get good amount of loans for a kickstart but might have lost it all because of no business ethics at all.
I was amazed to see on goggle that there are many negative reviews given to this company and I wonder here on Airbnb are there more home owners or travel hosts who believe to be scammed by this company as well ?
Hi @Noureen2 ,
So sorry to hear about your experience! Did you manage to have answers from this company?
Did they respond to your emails?
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Hi Bhumika,
Much thanks for your reply. So far I haven't received any mail from them. It is very annoying that such businesses exist. My coworker she just started working with Leavy.co also never got her first payment. We are very badly scammed by this company. However, I am able to collect some more information from other homeowners in France as well, who in the past faced terrible damages in their houses during Leavy.co management and had payment issues. This gives me grounds to make a good police complain against such a company.
Hello @Noureen2
Sorry this happened to you but rather confused as to why you are posting an issue about a company you are sub contracted to host with on Airbnb on an airbnb community for hosts and guests
if you are not being paid by the company you are working for - check your contract with them re payment terms . Send a formal letter for payment and if they don't pay take them to court .
Is this an alternative to Airbnb? A management company?
Hi Noureen,
I'm so glad i found this review from you as I am facing the same problems with Leavy.co right now. I was a co-host for them between December 2022 - January 2023 and was supposed to be paid by them on the 15th of February 2023 but still am waiting. They've not replied to a single email I've sent out to them and the handler at Leavy who was in charge of me during my period of working for them only told me there was an 'external issue' that they're working on sorting out (whatever that means). I've started making a Legal claim against them and I believe they have a London office in Soho square which I will personally be visiting to see if they can give me an answer as to what is going on.
Hi Naimur,
I am in the same situation as you. I completed four 'missions' for Leavy in December 2022 , including working Christmas eve and boxing day. The 'external issue' you mention sounds very familiar and I was received all kinds of messages from the company saying the salary would be coming soon. It never has done. They gave me lots of patronizing rubbish about their 'investors withholding funds'. Nowadays they just ignore my messages altogether. I intend to compile a police report with their photographs (obviously who knows if it's really them, but I had a Zoom call with one of them who seemed to be a real person..) And to anyone else reading this, avoid this company at all costs.
All the best mate,
Hi Noureen! Have just seen this now but I am glad so many people have realised how bad and awful this company is. I am from London and I started working for them in December to January as a co host which is not long at all but I am owed £400 in total and have not been paid a single pound! They kept making excuses at first and ignoring my messages on WhatsApp and emails as to why I had not been paid yet. This went on for weeks until about 3 months later they admitted payments were being slow to do funds being held blah blah but now it has been 5 months and still nothing. I have all the proof of the work I did all screenshots of what they were saying to me and our conversations. What upsets me the most is I did work for them and my hard work has not been paid. The home owner who also was not paid for his home being rented also was not paid. It’s ridiculous and disgusting how they think they can get away with this. Anyone reading this I would say file complaints call the police make reports do whatever you can. This company should not even be running as they have scammed and left several people without money, that’s illegal do they not realise? They also are very strange and have made a fake profile on trustpilot due to the negative reviews which is Livy premium lingerie they changed the name to that haha! Leave bad reviews whatever you can as it’s not fair anymore and I am tired of being ignored and blocked and reviews being deleted they also disabled their comment section on Instagram due to the comments calling them out on it. Leavy.co is a fraudulent company.