Listing price & service fee

Level 2
Great Mongeham, United Kingdom

Listing price & service fee

Hi, My listing seems to have automatically been updated (not by me!) showing the price as £100 per night, instead of my listed price of £85. A 'service fee' of about 16% is also being added! This never happened wonder I've had no recent enquires going forward after July 4th.

My previous nightly booking fee, guests paid £85 per night, of which Airbnb take their fee, which I thought the standard was 3%? Has something changed or increased regarding fees? I purposely don't charge any additional fees for cleaning & have flexible cancellation. I'm baffled as to why my listing now shows as £100? (I can't amend it) and there is a huge service fee added on top? Any advise as to what I should do would be appreciated. Thanks, Rebecca

Top Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rebecca1296 just checked your listing: 2 nights at £75/night plus service fee so I guess you have sorted out the issue

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4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rebecca1296 Airbnb's fees for guests have always been around 16% including VAT. Its hosts that are charged 3% (as well) plus VAT.

no idea why you can't set the right price per night - Have you got smart (aka stupid) pricing switched on?

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rebecca1296 just checked your listing: 2 nights at £75/night plus service fee so I guess you have sorted out the issue

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Mine has too and affecting my bookings now

Level 1
Tampere, Finland

I'm a new host. I put my holiday home to airbnb some days ago. Now I started comparing my price to all other airbnb apartments in the area. To me I'm the only one who has service fee. Why? Is it possible to influence service fee by changing settings?