What would be your advice for first-time renting a condo to ...
What would be your advice for first-time renting a condo to get the business started? The location is on the ski mountain, do...
Hi I live in Maine and I have been a host for a few years now but this year the income made and paid by ABNB for taxes is giving me a terrible time.
It is imposable for me to get their figures to jive when I compare the Gross transaction to the Payout transaction after taxes. I have done
the 9% lodging tax on either of those figures and I can not get it come out.
The Occupancy tax is a mystery. I have read all I can on the policy of ABNB but I still don't know if they put the cleaning fee in with taxes and or if they put service fees in as taxable income and where it is all shown. they will not send me a form with the end of year statement unless I make $20.000 dollars. I have paid my own lodging tax on the rental cottage for years and can figure out what they come to for a week worth of rent. But I cannot follow what ABNB has done.
Can anyone tell me how to know what was paid OUT to the State for taxes, on behalf of my Business?
Thank you may-be someone knows.
@Joline5 The only way to have an idea as to what AirBnB paid out in taxes for your rental is to download the CSV file from the Transaction history, Gross earnings.
The Occupancy taxes listed will not jive with what you would have paid on your receipts as it includes the taxes charged for AirBnB's service fee and the 3% fee paid by the host for the credit card transaction.
Taxes are generally charged against all income items, including the cleaning fee.
My guest pays me $700.00 for the nights rented.
My guest pays me $125.00 for cleaning.
The AirBnB service fee is $105.00
My tax rate is 13%
AirBnB charges $120.90 in taxes to the guest.
The guest pays $1050.90 Gross
My actual net receipts are:
$700.00 for the nights
$125.00 for the cleaning fee
Less $28.37 for the 3% service charge
Banked earnings are $796.63
How the taxes work out:
$796.63 times 13% is $103.56
Difference between what AirBnB charged is $17.34
The $17.34 difference is equal to 13% times the AirBnB service fee of $105.00 and the 3% service fee of $28.37 charged to the host.
There is no document from AirBnB showing what they paid out to your State, County or municipality in taxes.
@Lorna170 my head is swimming with all your calculations. Just download transactions. 1st column of payouts is the net( what went into your bank account). Then you will see the host fee column which was deducted from the gross. The gross also includes any cleaning fee. The last column has occupancy taxes Airbnb collected from guests. The 1099 Airbnb sent out does not have the host fees taken out. That’s all you have to know. If Airbnb collects and pays the state/ county occupancy taxes then don’t claim it as an expense.
I spoke with my local municipality and they said it do in could the cleaning fee but not the booking fee. I add the night stay and cleaning fee together and then for our 5% multiply that total by .05 to get the amount we request to our guests.
I'm glad I'm not the only one having a problem understanding this. My property in Florida is subject to the following taxes: state(7%), county(5%), and city (1%). In my listing, under Policy and Rules, it says Airbnb collects and remits state and county taxes so I added a custom tax of 1% to cover the city tax. Now, when I go to the transaction details, I see that Airbnb collected 7% for Occupancy Taxes and that was it. Since, the 7% was not passed along to me, I assume it was remitted somewhere but I just don't see where it went. Furthermore, if someone were to come ask me in the future what taxes were paid, I have no idea where to find this.
This should be easier - either I'm not looking in the right places or Airbnb should help us more on this.