Renmar1 Level 1 Aspiring Virtual Assistant | Looking for Potential Clients I may be new to the industry, but I’m eager to learn and com... I may be new to the industry, but I’m eager to learn and committed to helping you manage your Airbnb account efficiently. If ...
Kim2971 Level 3 Host platform message system limiting communication. I discovered today that a change to the text communication ... Latest reply I discovered today that a change to the text communication system is limiting characters to 3000. I am at a loss as to why A... Latest reply
Lisa1980 Level 4 Libel suits for false reviews? Has anyone successfully sued Airbnb for a libelous guest rev... Latest reply Has anyone successfully sued Airbnb for a libelous guest review? We had a recent guest who made an allegation, with no evide... Latest reply
Steve2584 Level 5 Atlanta, GA Airbnb must ......... .... listen to 99.9% of hosts and include language regarding... Latest reply .... listen to 99.9% of hosts and include language regarding hosts that provide multiple individual private rooms within the ... Latest reply
Susan3461 Level 2 Atlanta, GA My guest booked 31 night stay in Unincorporated Dekalb Count... I'm confused about payments of occupancy taxes and fees in U... Latest reply I'm confused about payments of occupancy taxes and fees in Unincorporated Dekalb County Georgia. I thought my guests wouldn't... Latest reply
Katherine1242 Level 2 First Time Renting Condo Help What would be your advice for first-time renting a condo to ... What would be your advice for first-time renting a condo to get the business started? The location is on the ski mountain, do...