Management software for owners

Level 2
San Marcos, CA

Management software for owners

Happy new year!


I currently have a new  listing being managed by a company. They are the primary host and I just found out that in the future if they quit or I want to change company, I will loose all of our reviews. 


I live right next to the property so I'm considering managing my listing and hiring someone to communicate with the guest. My question to you, what software would you recommend for:

1) Making my job as easy as possible (automation, etc..) and marketing it on different websites.


2) Dinamic pricing software  so I don't have to be guessing and adjusting the pricing myself.


Is there a platform that does both?



Thanks in advance!



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Yair30 I'm happy with MyVR for channel management and very happy with Wheelhouse for pricing.

Automation/management software




For marketing on different websites


What I love most is how customizable it is. You can set it up for bookings, guest communications, maintenance schedules – you name it. Plus, the interface is super user-friendly, so you don’t need to be a tech wizard to get the hang of it. I’m not here to push a product, but as ***   partner, I can vouch for its effectiveness. It’s helped me streamline my Airbnb management without breaking a sweat. Definitely worth checking out if you’re looking to simplify your hosting life!


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