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Any other hosts experiencing missing payments from Airbnb? It first happened to me earlier this year. It was just one payment that time and only a few hundred dollars. After 3 days and receiving no notice of payout I called and spent hours on the email and phone with airbnb. They finally acknowledged their error and issued the payment. For my hours of trouble they sent me a coffee mug. This time the missing payouts total nearly $2k. I have already spent much time trying to get it corrected. So far I am just getting the "we are checking into it" email message. The original rep I spoke with acknowledged to me that there was a mistake made. So now I just get to sit and wait for them to hopefully correct their error again. I wonder if I will get another coffee mug. Frankly I would rather just timely get my payouts and without having to waste hours of my time to get them. Anyway just wondering if this is happening to other hosts and also a heads up to other hosts to be sure to keep track of your payouts.
This seems very common, a huge multinational like Airbnb taking the rise out of normal people that are trying to make ends meet by renting their house. They suck you in with promises, then having first held your money for months, when your customers have been and gone, they still don't pay you. Then give you the run around with excuses. They claim a 24-7 assistance, and don't come across, I am waiting for 5k for up to 3 weeks. They ask for patience, but don't come back to you. Anyone any ideas, any consumer agencies or anyone that can help. I need my money.
Perhaps we should be approaching guests, asking them to cancel credit card payments to Airbnb, anyone know how that would work.
10 pages on this thread alone and still no answers. Incredible!
More on the thread below with very relevant questions that have not been answered.
As irritating as Airbnb's non-responses have been, it is also irritating that many hosts who post here and then get paid do not revisit the thread to explain how they got paid and what they believe the problem to be.
I thank @Joe &Joie (?) for their explanation because they had the most valuable info that I've learned from this thread. From them I learned that they use every excuse under the sun and then eventually pay up.
Which indicates to me that they're keeping this money (our money) free-floating while they collect interest on it.
Freud said there's no such thing as an accident, and I concur.
Not a good look for Airbnb.
Finally got my dosh, it seems that there are people hacking Airbnb, ONE NEEDS TO BE AWARE, that their default or current methods of payout, need monitoring constantly, my one and only default payout method, was changed from my account to another. You can find the last four digits of your Iban code or credit card in transaction history under payout methods. If this is not correct you need to re-insert your method.
This does not explain however, why Airbnb cannot or does not check this, when payouts go missing. It also does not explain the fact, that they must have these details in their system and should be able to, but seem not to be bothered to recuperate the lost monies. Nor why, if this is the case, that they don't re-organise their system to avoid this, OR ARE THESE HACKERS ON THE INSIDE.
Anyone else expierienced this result??
Yes, this happened to me last summer. No payment for a week. At the time I thought it was a bug / hack that hit Airbnb on July 1, 2018. Many hosts had the same reservation date and no one was getting paid. I think it is all about using the Hosts money - after 10 pages on this thread and over a year later its still happening!
I went through the same useless phone calls to the Philippines where they make up different answers. My strategy was to elevate this thread by writing at least every day, and liking everyone's comments. I tried to keep this conversation in the "top" or "recent" threads. Good Luck.
My question is, why on earth has no one taken Airbnb to court over this?
lets go organise a pettition
Just to report my latest news, I am speaking with a 'specialist/experet' in N America, slow and getting nowhere.
But have discovered that probably hackers are entering our accounts and changeing bank details for theirs, but even this stinks, my feel is that Airbnb is involved somehow, as they are reluctant to share info. They cannot say how to view the original bank details I originally entered (i have ony access to the Airbnb codes usually .......1234 (EUR) or .....1234 (GBP) in my case but substitute the 1234 for any four letters. I believe we can discover where our missing payouts ended, with the full details of bank accounts/credit cards etc. But Airbnb are so far not prepared to give me this info, quoting privacy laws BS. This would be simple for Airbnb to discover where monies ended and re-issue payments immediately. They or someone in the organization seem very reluctant to do this, something stinks.
Yes. The payment is 12 days late. Many calls, lots of runaround. They blame it on my bank, but I have banked with Citibank for over 35 years and never had a problem. Citibank has no record of any funds being deposited. I am waiting for them to run a trace. Meanwhile, here I sit waiting for my $2300! Anyone have any ideas on how to get this resolved?
Finally got my dosh, it seems that there are people hacking Airbnb, ONE NEEDS TO BE AWARE, that their default or current methods of payout, need monitoring constantly, my one and only default payout method, was changed from my account to another. You can find the last four digits of your Iban code or credit card in transaction history under payout methods. If this is not correct you need to re-insert your method.
This does not explain however, why Airbnb cannot or does not check this, when payouts go missing. It also does not explain the fact, that they must have these details in their system and should be able to, but seem not to be bothered to recuperate the lost monies. Nor why, if this is the case, that they don't re-organise their system to avoid this, OR ARE THESE HACKERS ON THE INSIDE.
Anyone else expierienced this result??
WHERE IS MY MONEY!!! I am so frustrated with airbnb "customer service". I had guests stay on the 21st of September and still have not received the payment. When they initially booked I noticed that the amount of the payout for the reservation said "zero" and called airbnb. It should have been $280 plus dollars for 2 nights. They assured me it was fixed before the guests arrival. The guests came and went and still no payment. I have called airbnb and have been reassured the "glitch" has been fixed and I will be receiving my payment in 3-5 business days. Nothing. I have called and messaged them many times since and at least 3 times it has supposedly been "escalated" to an urgent case. What a joke. Next thing I get is a message saying my case is closed. This has happened multiple times. They keep closing the case. I keep thinking maybe someone in airbnb customer service will actually help me but they just keep passing me along, saying someone from a department that is "better able to assist me" will get back to me. No one ever follows up. So I continue to contact them. Now they don't even respond to my messages. It's like I'm being dismissed. I have been a host with airbnb for 8 years and have multiple airbnb listings and have never experienced such horrible customer service. I'm at my wits end. I don't know if I will ever get my payout. It's been 3 weeks since I should have had it.
I used a revolut bankaccount to receive my first payout. Altough that was not a good idea the payout/transfer from airbnb cant be find nowhere in the banks system. Airbnb says they paid but cant tell me more than my last 4 numbers of the bankaccount. Also if there is a transfer going to my bank they cant place it will be sent back to its origin. So airbnb should have contacted me. I have spent countless hours with the customer service and wait since two weeks for the finance department to get back to me.
I too have not received payment for 1 day , i send message and im wating answer
any news or idea for this ?
any solve this issue. ??
ok i have pay , many thanks airbnb support for this 🙂