Missing Payouts, Has this happened to anybody else?

Level 4
Cocoa, FL

Missing Payouts, Has this happened to anybody else?

Any other hosts experiencing missing payments from Airbnb? It first happened to me earlier this year. It was just one payment that time and only a few hundred dollars. After 3 days and receiving no notice of payout I called and spent hours on the email and phone with airbnb. They finally acknowledged their error and issued the payment. For my hours of trouble they sent me a coffee mug. This time the missing payouts total nearly $2k. I have already spent much time trying to get it corrected. So far I am just getting the "we are checking into it" email message. The original rep I spoke with acknowledged to me that there was a mistake made. So now I just get to sit and wait for them to hopefully correct their error again. I wonder if I will get another coffee mug. Frankly I would rather just timely get my payouts and without having to waste hours of my time to get them. Anyway just wondering if this is happening to other hosts and also a heads up to other hosts to be sure to keep track of your payouts.

378 Replies 378





Read the thread.


People are not getting paid by writing to AirBnB.


You may have better luck by calling them every day.



I write them almost every day



I understand you write them every day, and they ignore you every day.


That is why I suggested you call them every day.


You can contact AirBnB Customer Service 4 ways: by phone, by tweet, by Facebook, or on the help page.


Writing to them through the Help pages is the most passive approach you could take and it seems like it is absolutely not working for you.


Try calling every day. Use Twitter and Facebook also. If you read the community forum many people believe that Twitter and Facebook are the most effective means of using AirBnB Customer Service.



Oh no. I am on my 6th guest and longest booking. 7 weeks.  Guests have been checked in now for 3 days, no payout. All others have been right at 24 hours.  I have called and they said give it another day. So frustrating.  I was just starting to sing Airbnb’s praises 😐😐discourages me totally 

did they solve it?

Level 10
Providence, RI




Read the thread. It will help you figure out how to handle it.


They will pay you, sooner or later, depending on how you pursue it. I assume you would like it sooner.





Level 10
Frederick, MD

I JUST got paid out for a stay in December. 


Called customer support over two dozen times.

Worked with three case managers.

Got several different stories as to what happened.

Was assured on no less than 6 occasions that payout was imminent-- within a few hours.


But FINALLY got the money. I actually just messaged the guest because they asked me to let them know when we got paid...the reaction was Holy SH**! That is CRAZY!"


Crazy, yes, but persistence pays off.  Thanks to those who helped with this. 🙂 I never want this to happen again, so now if I am alerted to a payment issue, or a reservation is summarily canceled by Airbnb for a card not working, I will choose not to allow that guest to re-book. 

Level 10
Providence, RI






OMG! Let me be among the first to congratulate you, Laura. 

December, January, February, March . . . the better part of three months I guess.


You are the walking talking personification of perseverance. Without it you would still not be paid. Let that be a lesson. But it should have never taken them that long. I think your case may be a little different than many of the ones we hear about here.


Much thanks for updating us.



@John1574 thank you! It's a bittersweet moment as when I figure the time I spent preparing for this stay, dealing with the guests during and then chasing down my payment I made pennies on the dollar if not fractional pennies.  But it is the principle of the thing. It galls me that it took such a herculean effort but I'm glad we finally prevailed.  


One CS rep advised I keep calling  because these cases "only get attention when people call." So I did. I stopped counting at 26 times. 

@Laura2592 Yikes! But thanks for the advice. I don't get it. Regretfully, I may have to find another platform to use.


Level 2
Middletown, RI

I have a sizable payout that has not been issued. It was frozen last week during a hack attempt. The attempt was stopped with no help from the tech team. Though the customer care reps are very good I am supposed to hear from another department about unfreezing the payout. I have been told by three individuals from the cc department that my concern has been labeled "urgent." This has been going on for a week. Is there another phone number or email address to a resolution department beyond customer care. I have worked hard to establish superhost status over the years. I would hate to leave AirBnB but I am presently very concerned. Thank you in advance for any help that one might be able to offer. 

Hi Tom2709


I am having the same problem since March 2020. No replies no updates on my calls and email of where my money are!!!! 


Missing 5 payments and no support from Airbnb.Phone calls wait time is 50 minutes and  no one answer messages. 

I'm also missing a payment now. I've spent over 2 hours with no resolution or indication on how they will follow up or when they will follow up

Level 2
Surrey, Canada

Just adding my name to the list of super hosts with a missing payment now. I've spent 2 hours, chat support, email, phone and twitter and have no indication as to when I should be expecting my payment. 


Airbnb needs to be held accountable for this, we are due our owed payments