Missing payouts

Level 2
Oradea, Romania

Missing payouts

Hello, I have 6 reservation with status pending for which I didn't receive payouts, and also 3 reservation which shows that the payout was sent, but I didn't receive anything. Only for one reservation I received the payout. The airbnb team doensn't help with any relevant infos, all they said to change, is not working. Please help me. 

3 Replies 3

Hi @Florin142 it sounds like you're facing issues with the payout system on Airbnb. Here are some steps you can take to address this problem:


1. Check Your Account Details: Ensure that your bank account or PayPal details on Airbnb are correct. Any discrepancies in account information can lead to payout issues.

2. Review Payout Status: In your Airbnb host dashboard, check the status of each payout. For the ones marked as 'pending', it might just be a delay in the process. For those marked as 'sent', but not received, it could be a processing delay either from Airbnb's end or your bank's end.

3. Contact Airbnb Support: Reach out to Airbnb's customer support. Provide them with specifics about the reservations in question, including reservation IDs, payout status as per your dashboard, and any discrepancies noticed. Their team can investigate the issue more thoroughly.

4. Check Email Notifications: Sometimes Airbnb sends email notifications regarding payout issues or changes in policies that might affect payouts. Ensure that you haven't missed any important communications from Airbnb.

5. Check Local Bank Policies: Sometimes, delays can be on the side of the bank, especially with international transfers. Contact your bank to check if there are any issues or additional verification needed.

Hello Alicia, 

I did all of this, but the support team don't give me relevant information. The Bank require from the airbnb documents with the transfer, but airbnb can't give me this. So where the money goes? 

PS I am Florin's wife

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Florin142, Florin often when you are new there is a delay of one month for your payments.also if you have a number of payments in one month they will consequently be all sent together . You have very good reviews so there should not be any problems there. the payment that is sent should turn up soon.... H