My next door neighbor introduces herself to my guests without first asking me

Level 2
Montrose, CO

My next door neighbor introduces herself to my guests without first asking me

My husband and I live in a rural area of Colorado, and  several months ago we started offering our little cottage next door to us as an AirB&B.  We live in the mountains surrounded by several state and national parks, so the cottage is always booked with families, couples or single people who come to explore the outdoors. Our next door neighbor on the opposite side of us has come over to the cottage three different times  while our guests were relaxing on the outdoor patio in the back yard.  It's out in the country and fencing the AirB&B back yard is not an option.  Our neighbor doesn't talk with us first to find out if we care that she introduces herself, and we don't find out about her visits until after the fact, when our guests tell us.  I've apologized to each guest that this has happened to,  for the neighbor's visit but each time they assured me that they were fine with it and didn't feel as though it was an intrusion on their privacy or relaxation time.  


It bothers me that she does this, for a couple different reasons.  First, I'm very private and would resent an uninvited stranger coming to the back yard where I was staying and introducing herself.  I assume some, if not most people, would feel the same.  Second, I feel it is disrespectful to us that she chooses to ignore the fact that we are running a business, and that unsolicited social visits are overstepping her boundaries as a neighbor.  I realize that some of our guests may be much more social than I am, and that they may welcome having someone stop by and chat.  But to assume that all of our guests may be comfortable with her visits, to me would be inviting problems.   I'm not sure how to handle this with finesse; I don't want to be a bad neighbor and offend my neighbor by over-reacting, but on the other hand, I feel that I need to protect the privacy of our guests, even if they say (so far) that they don't mind.   Thoughts?

17 Replies 17
Level 2
Pleasant Hill, CA

This is definitely bad news! sorry to hear that! Maybe you should suggest to your neighbor to do airbnb themselves LOL, send them a referral link. If they find the new people so attractive that they can't control themselves. Some people can't. They really can't stop themselves. This is why I suggest never chat with a neighbor and only wave from afar unless you have observed them for a long time first. I will post a sign saying no trespassing private property please respect privacy ...something along this lines PERIOD! and avoid the unpleasant, potentially dangerous conversation to ask your neighbors to leave your guests alone! I will not bring this app to any neighbor much more to one who is already showing signs they don't respect boundary!  It could backfire and they could became stalkers.

I had a neighbor who had to go to his garage when I went to my garage. Telling someone not to do something is like giving them more 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Kim2631 said "It's out in the country and fencing the AirB&B back yard is not an option." You sure about that?


A simple 2-slats decorative fence will do the trick and after all - fences make for good neighbors.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

have you thought that you neighbour  might have some form of mental retardation, autism, FoMo ect ect