We own a house next to and air b and b and they have outside...
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We own a house next to and air b and b and they have outside seating area gazebo right on property line. Loud noise at midnig...
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Anyone else experiencing this?
??? You mean that most of your guests fly in and need to rent a car? I have never experienced this. Almost all my guests fly in to the nearest airport, which is about 45 minutes away, then take the bus to my town, and I pick them up at the bus depot, a 5 minute drive from my house. It's a 20 minute walk from my house into town and the beach, which I make clear in my listing, so I get guests who are cognizant and prepared for that. In over 3 years of hosting, I've only had 2 guests who rented a car, one because she had signed up for sailing lessons in a town a half hour drive away, one because he was here on business.
What's your situation? Your place is remote and guests need a car to even get to a grocery store?
I guess that is the difference between $30 a night Guest and $199 a night Guest. Go figure.....
@Maria-and-Jean0 Well, that's a drag for you. I took a look at your very nice listing and see that it's a 5 minute walk to the bus stop- it doesn't seem to be some totally remote place where guests would absolutely require a car. Too bad people aren't into busing or walking.
I love all your info about bears and moose. When I lived in Canada, I was once up the mountain cross country skiing with friends. We had just finished and were loading the equipment back on the car when some baby black bears came out of the forest off the side of the road, but still quite far off the road. A carful of German tourists pulled up behind us, got out and were snapping photos of the cubs. They kept walking closer and closer to the cubs, like they thought they were at some photo op at Disneyland. We shouted out to them that the mother bear was probably very close by and would rip them to shreds- that they needed to back away.
You should have seen the panicked looks on their faces as they scurried back to their car, locked all the doors and drove away.
As an aside, you might want to check the spelling on your listing info. Twice it says "Quite" instead of "quiet".
Hi Sarah, Yes, a real drag. Lost last year to a pandemic; this year to no rental cars available.
There is a bus stop close but a five minute trip to the downtown transfer station takes about 30 minutes and from there to your destination who knows. Unfortunately, not all public transport is created equal.
Yes, a lot of people think Alaska is a petting zoo.
Potatoes, taters.. thanks for the spell check.. as long as you get the meaning, no?
Yesterday in my back yard... young bull calf.. zoom lens.. not uncommon to see moose/bears in the neighborhoods here.. communing with nature ya know...
What a strange comment @Maria-and-Jean0
why would you think someone's price point would affect how easy it is to access car hire ? Go figure 😁
Nothing to do with price range and everything to do with location.
I live in a city which has great public transport and a huge range of shops, cafes, restaurants and open spaces on my doorstep, where car hire for those who want it easy to access .
What an even stranger reply.
Because this season a sub compact runs $1400 a week if you can find one, which you cannot because rental cars in Anchorage, Alaska are sold out for the entire season. Thus, my question.
I hope this helps you understand.
Sorry no, your additional comment doesn't help me understand why you think a host's price point would affect the availability of car rentals in a location and I have no clue what a 'sub compact' is. (perhaps a US term) @Maria-and-Jean0
Well, there you go.. no clue!!!
@Maria-and-Jean0 I have bookings (in Maine), but one guest did tell me that it was difficult to rent a car. They managed to in the end, but I think it's going to be a problem for people who don't plan ahead, or didn't arrange the car when they booked the lodging.
I wonder if car rental companies have reduced the size of their fleet so not as many cars available.
Not much travel allowed in Aust at the moment but just this morning I was advised by previous guest back in town (not staying with me as have a booking over their dates) who mentioned the same thing about car hire.
Alaska is back open for business. We have a few anti everything here but for the most part we are a big family who doesn't mind wearing a mask and vaccines if it is for the good of the all.
The way I understand it is the rental companies sold off inventory during the pandemic to avoid bankruptcy. Not what I would say was good foresight.
Why Airbnb has not partnered with Turo or another rental car outlet so that we can offer vehicles with our BNB's just like Airlines do is my question. Rental cars and tours are excellent product fits with BNB's. One stop shopping.