Need a cohost/property manager/cleaner in Kigali City, Kigali, Rwanda

Level 1
Basel, Switzerland

Need a cohost/property manager/cleaner in Kigali City, Kigali, Rwanda

In the process of acquiring a property in Kigali to put on Airbnb. I’m looking for a co-host or property manager to help out with these services. Please recommend or reach out. Thank you!

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey there @Wakuna0


Congratulations! You'll have to come and share pictures on the property with us when you've got it!


In terms of Co-Hosting, the best place to find a Co-Host is to head to: How to find and become an experienced Co-Host on Airbnb?


I hope this helps. 



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