New Host Here: Need Tips on Handling Theft, Extra Guests, and Cleaning Schedules

Level 2
Pittsburgh, PA

New Host Here: Need Tips on Handling Theft, Extra Guests, and Cleaning Schedules

Hello Airbnb Community,

I'm a relatively new host in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and I hope to get advice from other hosts here. I manage two Airbnb remotely from Fort Smith, Arkansas. I’ve been running into a few challenges without having a security camera at the entrance of my property:

  1. Theft: Unfortunately, I've had a couple of instances where guests have taken property items.
  2. Extra Guests and Pets: Some guests have brought extra people, pets, and even mattresses without letting us know.
  3. Cleaning Schedule: I'm finding it hard to track when our cleaner arrives and leaves.

Has anyone else encountered these issues? How did you address them? I’d love to hear about your experiences and any tips you might have for a newbie like me.

Thanks so much!


2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Alka64 and welcome to the Airbnb Community Center 😊


I am reaching out to some of our experienced Hosts to ask for their advice on your situation: @Debra300@Greystone0@Guy991@Hazel184@Karen114 @Nash-Cottages-LLC0 and @Elena4354.





Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Level 10
Bolton, MA

Hi @Alka64  This is par for the course unfortuantely when you invite strangers into your home.


  I could not imagine not having exterior cameras on my properties.  Not so much for theft as they likely would conceal an item going out the door,  but more for over occupancy, parties and liability. 

I use Ring doorbell on my condo properties as they are easily approved by the HOA.  I also use Ring motion sensored cameras on my stand alone properties.  


Liability is probably the biggest reason I have them.  From a guest saying that someone came into the space and stole something to they fell down the steps and broke their ankle.  I want to be able to corroborate this with the camera footage whenever possible. 


Parties and over occupancy can be nipped in the bud at the time.  I do not watch my cameras.  I make sure they are in OK and the correct number of guests are present. 


I think when guests know there are cameras they are better behaved, with the exception of one older gentleman that relieved himself at my front door facing the courtyard.  He probably didnt read the listing description.


Most hosts, myself included do not put anything of real value in the units as there is always a chance it will grow legs.  We don't leave out endless consumables either because they will take them home with them, especially if you are a drive to locale.


Often times it is not theft, it is something gets broken or damaged and they don't want to own up to it so they toss it and hope you don't notice.  


Lastly if you're not using a rental agreement that outlines what happens when these issues occur, over occupacncy, undeclared pets, damage and breakage you should think about having one.  When they have to sign their name that they understand something they pay a little more attentioin.  Without that in place it's hard to go after them after the fact for over occupancy or undelclared pet.  If it's in your rental agreement it is actionable.


Hope that helps!  


