New Law August 2024 for Tourist Rentals Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

New Law August 2024 for Tourist Rentals Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

Can anyone clarify this please?


We´ve spent hours reading the new law, but still are struggling to understand the requirement for a Season Let.


I can see that advertising on an external platform is now limited to 9 nights, ie. 10 days and anything more than that is classed as a Season Let and the platforms can´t be used.


Is it still a requirement to have a Tourist Board license for lets over 9 nights?

And do you have to make a choice between Tourist Lets and Seasonal Lets. Ie. Do you have to have just 9 night stays and keep advertising on the platforms, or can you limit the platforms to 9 nights and take private bookings for more than that?

The way I read the new law is that you have to chose one or the other.

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Lahore, Pakistan

No u can spend time for more days easily