Dear Airbnb Community and Moderators,I am experiencing a ser...
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Dear Airbnb Community and Moderators,I am experiencing a serious security breach on my Airbnb account, and Airbnb support has...
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I am new to Airbnb and have an apartment that just went live a little over a month ago. I've only had one request to stay and it was actually from a friend who was ill and needed a place to quarantine. There are hardly any Airbnb's in my neighborhood and my price is lower than most for what you get. What am I doing wrong???
Yes it says 141 views in 30 days.
@Dawn800would you be able to get some nice, sharp daytime photos taken with natural light coming into the unit?
I have scheduled for a pro photographer to come over and take some new pics. I've found out what the problem actually is, but still don't know how to fix it. I've had several friends do a search for my apartment with basic criteria and it doesn't show up on the map at all. Not sure what to do now other than try to contact Airbnb and find out why they don't have it showing up, especially when I've had one person rent through me already and I've been pd via Airbnb. The only difference was that I actually sent her the link to my rental.
@Dawn800 Amanda has made an excellent suggestion. Your photos need to be much brighter and happier. It looks a little too “dungeon” right now.
I would also suggest that you redo your advertising copy. It is very wordy and a long read, without bullets to accentuate your high points and your property’s features. Guests don’t read….
Excellent points, I will work on trimming the fat and making it easier/quicker to read.
Also...I've found out what the problem actually is, but still don't know how to fix it. I've had several friends do a search for my apartment with basic criteria and it doesn't show up on the map at all. Not sure what to do now other than try to contact Airbnb and find out why they don't have it showing up, especially when I've had one person rent through me already and I've been pd via Airbnb. The only difference was that I actually sent her the link to my rental.
A little off-topic, but i am wondering about the activity on your profile picture. Creating a giant bubble of soap ?
Have you read my profile? If so that would have answered your question. Bubbles bring most people joy.