Newbie question!

Level 1
Glidden, WI

Newbie question!

Hello all! 

So I am new to the Airbnb hosting and just had a quick question hoping to get some sort of answer and/or advice. 


I've just had my 4th guest check out and I suspect they may have had a dog in the house. I never met with the guest as they enter with a key provided in a lock box and I do not hover. We do have a strict "no pets allowed" policy unless approved first which I'd mainly for only dogs that pass a questionnaire (if they are kenneled when leaving or sleeping, the breed due to city restrictions, etc). It is more of a pain but I do understand trying to find pet friendly stays in the area when traveling long distance. 


My issue is my last guests never mentioned pets nor asked and upon cleaning today there were CLUMPS of white hair found throughout the house, dog hair was all over the blankets and on the bed. If it was only a few hairs I'd have thought they had a furry friend at home and just had hair on their belongings or themselves but the amount of hair we had seen and found suggests otherwise. 


Having to leave a comment, I'd like to be honest on my review but I don't want to come off snotty or seem like I'm stating I "know" there was a dog but rather just suspect. How would you handle this situation, what would you or would you not leave as a comment? Thanks!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Lusby, MD

If it were me, I’d want to be 100% positive there was a dog. And since you’re only suspecting it was, I think it’s best not to comment about it. Just my 2cents.