No payout because of problem with Papal

Level 2
British Columbia, Canada

No payout because of problem with Papal

I have been waiting a week for my latest payout. Supposedly, Air bnb sent it to Paypal on June 20, but it is not there. I have used Paypal for years with no issue, until now. I contacted Paypal and for some unknown reason, they placed a limit on my account of $1,000 CAD and thus, rejected the $1,600 payout. I had the limit removed with Paypal and was told by Paypal that Air bnb would have to re-send the payout. 


Despite calling and messaging for the last 3 days, this has not happened. Yesterday I asked for a supervisor. I was told the supervisor would reply within 24 hours.....NOT! Air bnb has my money and seems quite content to stall, delay, stonewall and just generally ignore me.  I was doing online cottage rentals long before Air bnb existed and I am beginning to think I will be much happier to go back to handling all the bookings (AND MONEY!) by myself. 


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced such a frustrating and endless run-around? So much for "Super Host" status. More like Super sucker....

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @David1061 , Thank you for sharing the information about a possible limit of $1,000 CAD on the Paypal account. It's great that you identified this issue and dealt with it immediately. 


Seems like the payout issue was not resolved once the limit was lifted. Did you get in touch with the Support team since you posted? What did they say? 


Sometimes Hosts also face payout delays due to KYC issues. Have you completed the KYC verification on Airbnb and checked if it's up-to-date on your Paypal account as well? 


We look forward to learn how you resolved the issue. Please keep us posted! 



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I have also been given the same bogus excuse for my payout issues totalling over $8000. PayPal confirmed in writing that there is no limit to payouts.  Airbnb is just refusing to payout and keep host money.  Over a month and a half of calling and messages

I feel your pain. Just keep after them and don't give up. And I also demanded $100 for my time and they paid up. I suggest you do the same perhaps ask for even more depending on how much you've been inconvenienced.