Hello Everyone,
First time posting here so bear with me as I navigate a new to me forum!
I use AirBnB exclusively for my entire home rental.
August 8th cancelation transpired for August 14th stay.
Family booked to stay but wild fires, Evacuation Alerts and outbreak of COVID locally had 2 travel restrictions for the region.
Air Quality was abysmal.
Guest cancelled under E/C and I authorized for him to get any money I was to be paid out back to him.
I NEVER received any funds. Have checked multiple times and only have the ONE account for the deposits.
I would have noticed if $3395 was deposited.
I just had a set of guests stay Sept 15th and never got paid. I did not realize it until 5 days ago and have been dealing with AirBnB CS messaging ever since. No money back and told not to get my hopes up in the message thread with CS!?.
I went to FaceBook messenger a couple of days ago and NO resolution or contact back yet. They said they forwarded it to the correct department.
I will NOT be paid for the guests arriving in 3 days
AND they will deduct a further $50+ from the following reservation!?
This is my home. I have to pay to go camping when guests are here ! I cannot do it for free and have to PAY to stay somewhere else?!
Does anyone here have some advice on how to proceed with this?
I am going to have to cancel my upcoming group if this is not resolved and they are so looking forward to coming here!!
I hope I gave as much information as possible.