
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Odors, Allergens, and General Well-being

Level 2
Louisville, KY

Odors, Allergens, and General Well-being

Hope this helps!


My wife and I have been hosts since 2017 and one of the primary compliments that we get during our check-in walk-throughs now is the quality of the air in our 5 bedroom home. We’re in the Ohio river valley, a part of the country which is notorious for tormenting many people’s allergies from spring-fall every year. In addition to that, we take seriously our guests’ health and want to provide the cleanest space possible.

That’s where we found our game changer!


We purchased a smart air purifier that constantly senses and cleanses the air in our house 24/7. It removes everything from dust to covid, and bacteria to cooking odors. We started with one on our main floor (open concept) and it made such an impression that we soon invested in two more for our second floor and walkout basement! 

We have noticed that our guests frequently comment about how they love knowing they’re breathing clean air, and we love knowing that they are less likely to have a poor experience since any pollen or allergen that gets into the house will be sifted out in short order. 


Obviously I cannot speak for all air purifiers because I’m sure they’re not all built the same. But the one that we’ve come to swear by is the Atmosphere Sky (I’ll attach a link). If you are serious about wanting to keep your home smelling great, and you want to invest a little extra in something that makes a noticeable difference. We 1000% recommended these things to everyone we know!






18 Replies 18
Level 10
Montreal, Canada



How do you let your guest know that you have an air purifier?


and is it simple to use for them ?




Great question Anne,


We always greet our guests at check-in to do an initial walk through of the house to show them around. Usually the guests notice the air purifiers since they are in the open common areas in the house. We’ll let them know that they are autonomous and shouldn’t need to be touched. This particular model runs 24/7 and has a sensor to increase the fan speed if air quality is poor, and reduce fan speed when air quality is good in order to conserve energy (it is Energy Star rated). We can also control it from an app on our smartphone.


We essentially just put them in and they do their thing!!

Level 10
New South Wales, Australia

Why are the Amway branded products invariably so much more expensive than similar products?  The top-rated air purifier down here is the Samsung AX7500K, which is less than half the price of the Amway product you're promoting.  Is the 'Atmosphere Sky' really that much better, or even as good?  

In the interests of transparency, can you tell us whether you've any conflicts of interest, i.e. are you Amway distributors?

In the interests of transparency, can you tell us whether you've any conflicts of interest, i.e. are you Amway distributors?

@Louise0 yes, they are. click the link and his name is attached, google his name with amway and yes. So this message has zero credibility now, it's a shame that Amway still operates in a similar way because they do have good quality products. everytime i see the phrase "duplicatable business" i get mild ptsd. 


Also, it's pretty poor form to use the community like this. 2 posts in 5 years, and the second one is an amway spam. I won't report it, but someone else probably will. 


I appreciate the question Louise0.

First, to address the price- I have no idea what goes into the price difference between these two products. But I’ve found through personal experience that typically you do get what you pay for. So, when it came to an investment into our Airbnb, we decided to go top-of-the-line, since ultimately it was a business expense for us here in the US.


Since I have never had any experience with the product you listed so I cannot speak with any credibility to what results it can or cannot produce.


Here is what I know to be true: The Atmosphere has three different filters, a built in computer to reduce wasted energy, a 2 year warranty that can be extended up to three additional years at no additional cost if we keep up with changing the filters as needed (about once a year), and the Amway corporation also offers a 120 day money back guarantee on the purchase. So for us it was worth the shot.


Next, to address any concerns transparently regarding conflict of interest, we do have an affiliation with the Amway corporation. However, it’s a bit of a stretch to link that to a conflict of interest. My affiliation with Amway in no way gets us better reviews from our guests on our Airbnb, which is the purpose of this community and the reason for this post. The results that the product brings is what does that. So if someone would like to choose any other purifier, they’re certainly welcome to. But these are the actual results we’ve seen from using this one! If our affiliation with this product does anything, it spotlights the fact that we’ve seen so much value in the product that we decided to align ourselves with it! 

 So, when it came to an investment into our Airbnb, we decided to go top-of-the-line, since ultimately it was a business expense for us here in the US.



Again, respectfully, I'm feeling this in not a genuine representation. I'm sure you are lovely people so this is not a personal attack. 

There's no way you considered any other brands and you have no idea if this model is actually "top of the line". Did you go to and make a decision based off that? No, you bought the Amway model, the one and only model you considered, because you have a financial interest in it. I forget how it all works now, but in order for your downline to have meaning you have to hit a certain sales goal each month, and is there another way to earn commissions?  I think you might have been more genuine if you'd said "hey this is a product from our business and it might not show up in regular reviews so just sharing so you can consider it cos we absolutely love it" (even then that might be breaching the forum rules)

And now you've deflected with 
My affiliation with Amway in no way gets us better reviews from our guests on our Airbnb, which is the purpose of this community and the reason for this post.

How do you know what the purpose of this community is? you posted once 5 years ago, and this is your 2nd post. You have given exactly ZERO thumbs up to anyone else, ever. You aren't here for "community", you've made no other posts, have no other advice, so forgive me for suspecting you have other motives. (again, it's not you, I know, been there)

Again, i'm sure you're going to respond with some "i'm the victim" response, and others with the "just be kind" ideology will be too afraid to call you out, and Sarah is gone... so I shall hold politely firm that this post was disingenuous from the start. 


Level 10
New South Wales, Australia

Oh my, how utterly grubby and against the so-called 'community spirit' are Greg and Leah.  Shame on you guys.  'Duplicatable' should more rightly be replaced by 'duplicitous'.  

yes, it's a shame Amway still operates like this, i thought the internet blew open their "business", where the real money was being made by the people at the top selling books, tapes and tickets to conferences. We were in Amway briefly in the 90s, and I hated the whole culture of it right from the start, it always felt just a bit off. The products are actually great, like many other mlm businesses, but the way they go about the business is very much like a cult. They even tell people not to hang out with people (friends and family) who are "negative", there's a lot of similarities to Scientology....

@Gillian166  @Louise0 I’m sure we’ve all had experiences with MLM companies that we didn’t enjoy. But I don’t understand what value your comments have to this forum except to try to personally attack my character.. @Gillian166  mentioned the products are admittedly high quality and work great- which is why I recommended them to this community to begin with! If you notice, I’m not using this as a platform to draw attention to the Amway business, you guys are doing that! 

If we can get back to focusing on our Airbnbs, there are a lot of purifier options out there, so if you have personally found one that you have used and like better than the one I listed, I think recommending it would be significantly more helpful to this conversation! 

I haven't attacked you personally at all, i'm sorry if you feel that has happened. I'm pretty sure i'm allowed to voice an opinion on MLMs and Amway in particular. 

You are recommending a product that is tied to your personal income, so I think you should have disclosed that. 

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

@Greg-And-Leah0 , @Gillian166 , @Louise0 , @Annie1372 

Forgetting Amway for the moment, and looking at the whole range of "Air Purifiers" versus "Air Conditioners", and the reasons for having one more than the other (or indeed for having both), it is obvious (to me) that the subject, rather than anything else, is one we should all address, irrespective of which part of the world we live and operate.


Allergies these days affect far more prone than they ever did in the past, and so - imho - the means to remove as many of them as is possible should be at the top of all of all our lists.


The first and probably most important thing to note is that whilst most online descriptions of air "purifiers" speak of differences between them and air "conditioners" - and whilst I cannot state for a fact that all air purifiers act the same way as those I purchased several years ago (mine have been excellent in all they do), at least air purifiers do filter out all pollens, particles, dust, and other "unseens" that those who suffer from Allergies etc, by cleaning the air. If one is fortunate enough to have purchased the right kind of air purifier, it's also highly likely that the cleaned air being discharged back into the room will be quite cold, whilst should the air purifier have a three speed fan (ie. slow/medium/fast) the air going back into the room will be cold/colder/very cold!!! (from my and our Guests' experience!) so could - in theory - be deemed to be Air Conditioners!


If there's any "unfortunate" aspect re the above it's that Airbnb's CS doesn't appear to have heard of air purifiers (I know, as I've been down this road with them!) and Airbnb's range of "Amenities" certainly doesn't allow for purification of the air Guests' breathe, although I would suggest that that's far more important to all the allergy sufferers out there, than having an AC?!

I am hoping that Airbnb will recognise the importance of Air Purifiers, as opposed to Air Conditioners, but that in the fullness of time, they will allow for the former being a much needed "Amenity", preferably as a stand-alone item, or one that can be a combined air Purifier/Conditioner (even though such don't appear to be as efficient as stand-alone, separate products).


PS. I am not connected with any manufacturer of any such products, but what I always do before I purchase anything, is my "homework"; ie I research all plusses and minuses, to make certain that the goods WILL do exactly what the manufacturer says will be done, and also what I NEED it/them to do!

@John2406 I agree completely. And thank you for getting us back to the central point of the post. Our common goal is to make sure guests have the best experience possible. And since air purifiers, as you mentioned, haven’t seemed to make it on to Airbnb’s radar yet, there is a large gap to be filled in the awareness of just how much air quality impacts our guests’ stay.


We’ve found that the machines we have push out air slightly cooler than a standard fan, but I have heard of ones that are much colder, like you said. You mentioned the increase in the allergy prone in recent years, and I would add to that the increase of those with other breathing related issues such as asthma or other respiratory complications who find a major comfort in having one or more air purifiers in their living space! 

Furthermore, I’ve noticed people seem to be traveling with their pets more, so having machines that are removing things like pet dander and hair from our house proactively has made it significantly easier for us to feel confident in turning our space over from one guest to the next without worry of lingering pet allergens in the air. 

It’s been our experience that the air purifiers will do the work they’re intended to do very well, but the responsibility still falls to us as the host to make sure the guest understands the purpose and the advantages of the machines when they check-in. 

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Greg-And-Leah0 @We always find our air purifier turned off and unplugged.  It seems that our guests either don’t want the amenity, or they think we are hiding something unsavory about our cabin (mold?) when all we are doing is adding a visible filtering air circulator.  

Your product is too expensive for me to leave where guests could access.  We have opted for additional filtering on our heat pump.

@Lorna170 Have you tried mentioning what the purifier is and does before the guests begin their stay? We haven’t had a single guest opt to unplug or turn ours off because they are made aware of the benefits of the machines to their stay beforehand (if they don’t already know on their own). I suppose I could see how some guests could take the glass-half-empty assumption that you’re trying to cover something up. But if you are more proactive on the front end to make them aware of why you have it and what they do for the guest, I think you’ll be able to make a much better impression with it! 

Good luck!