Odors, Allergens, and General Well-being

Level 2
Louisville, KY

Odors, Allergens, and General Well-being

Hope this helps!


My wife and I have been hosts since 2017 and one of the primary compliments that we get during our check-in walk-throughs now is the quality of the air in our 5 bedroom home. We’re in the Ohio river valley, a part of the country which is notorious for tormenting many people’s allergies from spring-fall every year. In addition to that, we take seriously our guests’ health and want to provide the cleanest space possible.

That’s where we found our game changer!


We purchased a smart air purifier that constantly senses and cleanses the air in our house 24/7. It removes everything from dust to covid, and bacteria to cooking odors. We started with one on our main floor (open concept) and it made such an impression that we soon invested in two more for our second floor and walkout basement! 

We have noticed that our guests frequently comment about how they love knowing they’re breathing clean air, and we love knowing that they are less likely to have a poor experience since any pollen or allergen that gets into the house will be sifted out in short order. 


Obviously I cannot speak for all air purifiers because I’m sure they’re not all built the same. But the one that we’ve come to swear by is the Atmosphere Sky (I’ll attach a link). If you are serious about wanting to keep your home smelling great, and you want to invest a little extra in something that makes a noticeable difference. We 1000% recommended these things to everyone we know!






18 Replies 18
Level 10
Victoria, Australia





@Quincy Have you seen this advertising Quincy?





Level 10
Mountain View, CA

This was clearly an undisclosed sponsored post from the moment it was posted.  If you look through all the hosts' reviews you'll notice that none of them mention anything about the clean air in the home and just refer to a clean home overall in some cases so it's also dishonest in that respect.  I'm a bit disappointed this post hasn't been deleted completely already.

Also note I am speaking as an owner who already owns 11 HEPA filters in our homes for wildfire and Covid reasons.  They are not this brand but are 2 different brands that I'm very happy with and am willing to make a recommendation on private messages if anybody wants to know my experience, but...I won't push them here and I certainly wouldn't make a post here if they were paying me yet not disclose that fact in said post.

I'll make sure to stay aware from this brand in the future if this is their deceptive marketing strategy that they suggested or push for their brand influencers.  

I'll make sure to stay aware from this brand in the future if this is their deceptive marketing strategy that they suggested or push for their brand influencers.  

@Michael5689  this is the problem with Amway, for everything they do right with regards to products ( I never once found fault with that) they are so backwards in marketing. they had a chance when the internet happened to go mainstream and they didn't.  I guess now we can buy products without having to join, great! that should have happened in 1999. 


If you're going to have such high standards then i can assume that many other modern brands are off your list? let's start with Pfizer, the worst company ever. Disney also pretty poor. I'm always happy that we can "vote with our dollars" but make sure your indignation is justified. In this case it's just one person possibly making $20 off a sale of an air purifier. I've no issue with this really.  The number of people i've told about ozone machines...... I actually looked into importing 100 of them from ali baba and selling them to real estate agents in my local area. when you love a product then sure, you are allowed to share it. 

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London, United Kingdom

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