Outside Voices after 10pm

Level 1
Indianapolis, IN

Outside Voices after 10pm

Can't seem to find a resolution with a neighbor. The houses are close to each other, I screen for parties pretty well and have quiet hour signs after 10pm posted throughout the house. Music isn't typically being played by the guests but the guests do like to be outside using the firepit and hot tub after 10pm and their voices bother the neighbor. Her solution is that I should prohibit guests from being outside after 10pm. It seems if I do that it would be a headache to manage and it would also deter people from booking. I have purchased Noise Aware but haven't installed it yet. Any other ideas? We may be at an impasse. 

3 Replies 3
Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Jesse444 so install the noise aware device....tell your neighbor you have done that...and that you can't tell people not to be outside enjoying themselves. Ask them how can this work smoothly between you all....can you recruit them to be your eyes and reward them or something so they feel they have some say/control although they don't? It's tricky, cause you need happy neighbors. So you have created the problem with the hot tub and fire pit....can they be moved away from that neighbor? Keep us posted... maybe others will post with suggestions on what they do with such a neighbor. I went to all mine and told them and answered questions and it's worked excellent for almost 5 yrs. Now...it is a cottage behind our house and private and no large groups so it's different. Good luck 

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Jesse444 I feel for your neighbor. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Your guests may not be partying, but there is certainly going to be more noise coming from your place on a more frequent basis, than there would be normally. Consider that if this was not an Airbnb, it would house a family of say 4-5, or maybe a single couple. The typical amount of noise a family makes going about their business is much different than a regular rotating group of 10 people in an Airbnb on a vacation. The former is tolerable, the latter is easily intrusive. I fear you may be at an impasse, but unless you come up with a solution, the issue will continue to grow and will become a major problem for you. Good neighbor relations are vitally important. 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I know someone who had a similar issue with her house. The neighbour got so fed up that he started making unpleasant lnoises to guests. This led to repeated bad reviews which led to her selling the house as it became impossible to rent out.