
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Packed up the Airbnb This Week

Level 5
Los Angeles, CA

Packed up the Airbnb This Week

Well, we had our last guests this week.


Los Angeles has made it illegal to have an Airbnb out of any space that is not your primary residence. It's such a HUGE loss for travellers and hosts alike (in one of the top tourist destinations in the world). It's been a great two years with pretty wonderful guests for the most part. I've learned a ton from you all here, so thank you! I have such deep respect for all it takes to be a host and provide a wonderful experience for people.


Hope to return to hosting at a later date in a place more STR-friendly



- Tracey

69 Replies 69
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

hello @Tracey---Bryan0 @Linda482 @Christine1765 @Susan1028 @Mike-And-Helen0 

Yes it's happening world wide because people haven't grouped together to challenge "grey areas of law".

Until that starts to happen throughout the world it won't change.

Have a look in CC for the topic I put on Sydney, New South Wales in Australia and do the same in your own countries Challenge holes in laws..


There are Tenancy Laws in all countries and why should there be discrimination to those who use ABB as an advertising platform?
Most tenancy agreements for a whole property tend to be for anywhere between 3, 6 or 12 months for fixed terms and many on ABB, to the best of my knowledge do in fact do that.


Meanwhile there was a decision due out by the European Union Courts regarding ABB which needs to be found and read.


All best

Central To All Home & Location

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

LA is effectively declaring war on tourism.  Less stays means that hosts as well as hotels will be RAISING their prices to take advantage of the reduced supply. Some would-be tourists will just decide that it's too expensive to visit here or will cut their visits short. Others will spend less money on things like shopping.


But maybe the void will pave way for more individual hosts who want to take advantage of the void left behind by all of the banned entrepreneur hosts.

Everyone's entitled to their perspective @Pete0 in Los Angeles, but raising prices in times of more demand is an ethical issue in a capitalist economy where long term housing is at a crisis point.  Ultimately THAT is what drives people away. 


There is no reason to raise prices when all of this will actually increase occupancy levels filling empty rooms for those who remain in the STR market, whether its the "vintage home-share" airbnb's that built this platform or the hotel developers who more to meet the increased demand.


I used to commute 3 hours each way into LA for work because it was less expensive to live further away (as I sacrificed family time sitting in my car in an area where efficient public transit is also in short supply (which is all about the politics of far more expensive personal transport).


The tourists won't stop coming to LA.  It will always be a magnet...and when the people who work there can't afford to live there, that''s when things get stupid...and we're already there.


From where I'm sitting, LA made a wise choice, and when and if the time comes that there's a housing surplus,  the STR's can rise again.

And you did what sensible people do... They move. The socialist politicians of LA always want to scapegoat somebody. The real truth is that the politicians are bought & paid for by the hotel industry and they have this socialist ideology that everyone should be able to live where they want to live, including the homeless. But that's like saying everyone should be able to get into an Ivy league school. Not everyone can afford to live in LA. There's plenty of cheaper places to live.

@Pete69   "Socialist Politicians"?  "Socialist Ideology"?   Oh my.   Let me tell you something...there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting for everyone to be able to put a decent and affordable roof over their head.  Nobody should have to suffer the indignity of having to live on the street while working a full time job. 

You want everyone who can't afford to live in LA on their meager wage as a teacher or store clerk to move away?  Pretty soon, you'll have nobody to flip your In-n-Out burger or sell you a pair of shoes.

Then you have bought into the phony lies of the politicians. The homeless that you see on the streets of LA are not people who lost their jobs or can't find an affordable apartment, as the lying politicians like Mike Bonin and Eric Garcetti would like people to believe. The vast majority are either mentally ill or on drugs. If it was a "housing problem" then they would have moved to a cheaper city. I suggest listening to the John & Ken Show in Los Angeles (podcast online). They tackle these lies about the homeless on a daily basis.

@Pete69I do not listen to those right-wing dodos.  And you would do well to open your eyes to what is REALLY  going on in this country and not simply regurgitate what is being spoon-fed to you by right-wing sources.  



FYI it's not "right wing dodos". They've had researchers on. It's also common sense when you see with your own eyes who the homeless are. Speaking of 'spoon fed', YOU'VE been trained by the left wing politicians and their media lap dogs (who cherry pick that one homeless person, who claims to have been made homeless by the cost of rent) that this is a "housing problem". Another nugget to awaken you is "Seattle is Dying" on YouTube. Check out at the 14:30 mark one of your homeless people who 'just can't afford the high cost of rent'. LOL

Why don't you explain why even when given the option / opportunity to live indoors, most homeless people would rather continue to live outdoors? That debunks the media / politician's fake narrative that this is a "housing crisis".

@Pete69   "Having had researchers on" doesn't change the fact that those two are right-wing dodos.  And for the record-so are their listeners.  Let me also point out that the one who has been "trained" here, is you.  My parents raised me to think for myself.  And please stop asking me to watch this garbage propaganda; if it came from an unbiased source I definitely would--but as it stands, there is zero merit to the program you are quoting.

Have a good day.

Typical brainwashed response full of ad hominem and head in the sand "I don't want to watch this garbage" mentality. It's actually produced by a reporter for a local Seattle TV station, but inconvenient facts don't matter to leftists.

@Pete69    Cute.     That's exactly the same response you gave on a different thread where you called climate change a hoax.  Do you copy and paste your responses?   Lol

Ann489 Nope. Cute. Go to that thread and you'll realize that I provided studies, facts and data. Like you, the person responding to me had nothing but ad hominem responses. But the politicians and media lap dogs love you for never questioning them. 

@Pete69  "Ad hominem" seems to be your favorite word.    😛    The "studies" you provided were done by biased, right-wing sources--in other words-not credible

Nuff said.   Go ahead and stick your head in the sand on Venice beach.  History will prove you wrong, my friend.

Your head is in the sand. You don't even live in Los Angeles or SF or Seattle. We residents see with our own eyes what is happening. Seattle TV networks are not "biased, right-wing sources". LOL

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Pete69 and @Ann489 ,



We really enjoy differing opinions discussing and sharing their points of view here on the CC. It's something that inspires the diversity with treasure here at Airbnb. I will remind you to be careful with some of the more personal comments - sharing your sources and opinions is very much welcomed but please try to not comment on the poster. Debate the subject, not the speaker.


Many thanks,





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