Paused payments

Paused payments

Airbnb has paused our payments for weeks now - thousands of dollars are owing to us and we are stuck in a loop with customer service, with no-one being able to help! We have done everything they have requested (KYC form, letter from accountant) and then we go around in a circle again with the same thing being said to us over and over again liek a robot.  We have 50 properties with Airbnb, and are now considering deactivating them all due to this experience.  I dont understand how this can happen after we have been using Airbnb for over 10 years. Can anyone help us?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Whitsunday0 😊


I'm sorry to hear that. Have you been able to solve the problem in the meantime?


Warm regards 🌻,



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