Hi,I have discounts for last minute bookings as well as for ...
Hi,I have discounts for last minute bookings as well as for stays for a month long. If a guest books last minute for one mont...
We host upwards of 50 listings on Airbnb
Hosts since 6 years now
Superhosts for 5 years
We have a HUGE payout outstanding and held by Airbnb because of some technical issue/bug
We have been using the same Payout method since multiple years now without any issues, suddenly it has stopped working since October 23
The loop that we are stuck in is as follows
-We face an error on Airbnb Payout Section
-We reach out to Airbnb Support and open a ticket
-They ask us to delete Payout method and Re-add Payout method
-We follow their instructions and do the process as above
-They close the ticket prematurely without checking in with us
-After they close the ticket, we receive the same error as point one
-We reach out to Airbnb because We face an error on Airbnb Payout Section and the
loop begins again
We have undergone this above loop approximately 10 times now with zero
resolution, zero escalation and zero help
A total of 23 Tickets and 30 calls with ambassadors have yielded no solution
Our payment receivables keep piling up and have bulged to the above figures
We have zero recourse and zero help from Airbnb Customer Support
Anyone else facing the same problem ?
We just don't know what's happening
Hi - we are facing the exact sames issue. We havent received any payment since 29 Oct 2023.
What options do we have if Airbnb Agents - 1) Close our tickets without solving problem 2) Stop responding midway? Do you know how to reach out to their senior manager or anyone from Airbnb besides the failed Cust Supp Centre?
And the payout failure started suddenly and without warning.
The quantum of money held back by them is so high, that its creating a worrisome situation for our business, there's rents to pay, salaries to disburse and Airbnb has the Lion's share of our revenue held back with them for reasons even their support ambassadors fail to diagnose.
We are stuck without any help, I'm hoping someone reaches out to us
I am sorry to hear about this. As we are not part of the support team, there isn't much we can do here. However, we have made sure to send your case to the team for review. They should be in contact with you soon.
Please let us know if any of the advice given by our amazing Host Joan worked for you. Thank you, as always, for all your support, @Joan2709, and for keeping us in the loop.
Hey Paula,
Thanks for reaching out
Unfortunately, it didn't
1) We used a computer throughout, same error throughout.
2) We can't see PayPal as a payout option, can Airbnb please enable that for us?
Seems like this is a recurring issue right now. A couple of suggestions:
Maybe @Paula or @Breanna can forward this to the correct Airbnb Team? Seems like mutliple hosts having this same issue and most likely it's a problem on Airbnb's end.
Please let us know here if this works for you as it might help other Hosts.
Hey Joan,
Thanks for reaching out
It's 28th Nov and I still do not have any solution
1) We used a computer throughout, same error throughout.
2) We can't see PayPal as a payout option, can you please enable that for us?
I have the same issue! No payments received since september 2023!
Did the same as you, several bank account in different currencies: vdn and usd. All account get verified yet the payouts can't be processed!
I tried with my phone, with my laptop, so different devices and there's no help! I wonder why all these payments are held back?
Apparently this is happening in India and I'm a host in Vietnam.
My daughter is a host in Belgium and she doesn't have any issues with the payments!
Isn't that weird?
Same problem. No payout from 1 oct2023 (for 3 reservations) .No professional or concrete answers, any justification was provided.