Hallo, ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit Gastgeber und habe me...
Hallo, ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit Gastgeber und habe meine Zahlungen immer 24 Stunden nach dem Einchecken der Gäste erha...
Please help im a Super Host whose payout was paused after 2 years of successfully receiving my payout. I’m now owed for over 5 weeks and counting. I have been calling and reporting my issue everyday without any progress. My case keeps getting escalated and I’m unable to reach a supervisor or even get transferred to anyone who can help with my case. I have gone through endless amounts of support ambassador who promise to escalate and help me with my issue.
This never happens and my case is typically closed a few hours after the call ends. I was told everything from there is a known bug in the system, to change my payout details(which I have tried western union, PayPal, sign up for a new bank account and wait the 10th sines days for the account to verify and still no payout. I’ve gotten emails that my payout is now successful and I should start receiving payout that never come.
After weeks I was directed to click on an old email for compliance, upon clicking it says your account is all set. I have uploaded screen shot and emails as proof and still I have not received any payout.
I’m still receiving more and more bookings. I called customer service just today and told them I can’t take on anymore expense from them until a payout date is released or someone that promises to call me actually does so! In fact they told me if I cancel my reservation they will charge me 50% of the reservation cost $1000s even though guest is willing to cancel.
How can Airbnb expect host to take on months of reservations totalling in the $1000s and 100+ cases from me calling and still not get in touch me? This is mind boggling to me that you literally can’t reach someone who can directly fix the issues. Over a month and 100s of calls I’m no closer to knowing what’s going on and why I’m not getting my payout.
Please help this message is out of desperation, I have my bills to pay and no one is helping me!
This is another rediculous story regarding "Customer Service".
Payout issues are known as difficult ones to solve and Airbnb CS folks can not do anything more then forward you messages to the "Finan. Department". Which can not be reached directy and as you mentioned: never call you back.
Did you try Twitter also ? (account: @AirbnbHelp)
I have not tried Twitter. I keep calling 4x a day from Jamaica at international rates. My case keeps closing after promises that the report has now been escalated and someone should be contacting you back soon.
What is the status of the missing payouts inTransaction History ?
Are they showing as processed in "completed payouts" or are they in "upcoming payouts" with a payout date in the past ("pending") ?
Did you change something in your payout method, causing the payouts suddenly stopped ?
You can try Twitter and mention you are stucked in Customer Service.
And otherwise maybe one of the admins here is willing to escalate your case to the proper level.
It currently shows upcoming payouts. It says payout should have been released by Oct 26. I reported the issue and missing payout on Oct 27
Another week and 30+ phone calls and no closer to being solved. Infact the call back I was assured I would get is now 4 days and counting
Another week has passed. Everyday it was escalated to the highest team and everyday I was assured they are currently working on a solution. Lol this is beginning to get funny the excuses they make. What is going on I’m owed thousands of $$$. I report the problem a few times per day with my case number and still not even a clue what’s going on? Beginning to wonder if they even have the money to pay. After 8 weeks I think hiring a lawyer maybe the final solution
Hello @Jordan758,
So sorry to hear this. I have tried to send this feedback to the concerned team from my side. Hope you get some resolution for this issue soon.
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