Hi fellow hosts,I’ve been hosting on Airbnb in India and wan...
Hi fellow hosts,I’ve been hosting on Airbnb in India and wanted to understand how other hosts are managing GST invoices. Sinc...
Hello fellow hosts..
Deidre & I have been a super hosts for close to 10 years, without a payout issue. We have always complied with the listing and ID Verification rules ETC..
I am due a payout of AUD$1032 since my guest checked out in 3rd April 2024 and it’s now 25th April.
I have called and spoken to the help Centre three times, they tell me, the case has been referred to a technical team, and they wish me lots of positive vibes , profuse praise and encouragement but no payout..
The support team on each occasion have written to me after the call and said they need to close the case in order to work on it which I do not understand.
So I am stuck and I am owed over $1000 With no one to talk to a support team that wants to close my case every time I call them.
Any ideas? Thank you
this is one of the support messages:
“Hi David and Deidre,
This is the case number that the engineers are working on Xxxxx, today they sent us an update that they already found the reason of the issue they called it: Stuck Payout for UID xxxx however they are still working to release the transaction.
Once again, this thread will need to close so that your case will be routed to our specialized department who can give you immediate resolution.
I anticipate your understanding in this matter. Our main aim is to provide the best possible customer service and assistance, and we did not mean to hurt your feelings. Our decision to address these issues may cause a delay in earnings settlement, but please accept our sincere apologies as our community continues to grow and learn along the way.”
Rest assured our engineers and specialized department are well-trained about to this issue, and they can fix it immediately.
I would like to thank you personally for being patient and understanding while I was working on your case. You are really awesome!
You are an ideal SuperHost for many, and you are doing an amazing job, keep doing it and hope you reach great heights in life. Always remember if you need any more help in the future, you can certainly connect with us, and we would be grateful to help you out. It was my pleasure assisting you, take care and keep smiling.”
My goal is to make sure that you get the best experience without compromising the policies we have in place. I understand that it's a bit disheartening at this point, however, we are bound to abide by certain regulations.
Thanks for your kindness. Airbnb is grateful for having you as a valued user and a loyal SuperHost in our Community. Thank you so much and wishing you tons of reservations in the future. Take care and have a nice day!”
I have several messages like this, but no resolution! whilst the positive language and emotional re-enforcement that these support agents give me with words like “stay positive” and “keep smiling” - these support agents really don’t seem to be doing anything to help..
any ideas?
thank you
Hi @David-And-Deidre0, I am so sorry about this. Have there been any updates since you last posted here?
I hope this has been resolved for you.
Hi Paula, I’ve contacted support about 4 more times and get the same answer - engineers are working on it, they have found the problem and it called a stuck payment and they need to close the case so they can continue to work on it.
it’s really frustrating.
@David-And-Deidre0. Hi David, is it for one booking only? If one, did you contact guest and ask if they have been charged or had a recent refund?
Another OZ host @Robin4 got a speedy payment resolution. Maybe he can help.
Thanks Frances, one booking only. And yes I contacted the guest and they confirmed they paid. I’ve had lots more bookings and payments since.
Hi were you able to speak to someone specifically? I have had this same situation for the last 7 days 6 payouts are on hold totaling over $6,000. I have gone round and round for 3 days now and all they can tell me is that someone on an internal team will reach ou to me. Frustrating.
Hi @Tammie57 , I tried several times and only got the regular help desk. Their updates were always the same, and they insisted I close each support ticket after each call, so the specialist team could “work on it” - it was like taking to a bunch of robots with no memory and a standard script. Eventually the funds appeared with no explanation.
Hello, after many weeks we received payment from Airbnb and this case is now resolved. No follow up or explanation from Airbnb so I cant pass on any advice to anyone else who has this problem - we just had to wait it out.
Thanks for sharing I have the same problem. Reading this helps a lot.