
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Pet fee change after booking - Suggestions on how to handle?

Pet fee change after booking - Suggestions on how to handle?

Help! A reservation was booked with a pet friendly host who under their house rules stated, "Pets are allowed with an additional $100 pet fee." Upon booking (nonrefundable option), under the reservation details and house manual there are additional rules and fees listed NOT disclosed prior to booking. Which are now stating that, that $100 pet fee is PER pet and to me, this is not what the house rules make it appear to be. Additionally, it then says additional rules not previously listed as well as, that pets are not allowed on furniture or there would be an additional $25+ charge.


My issue isn't that these items are being charged. My frustration is that a FULL disclosure prior to booking was not given and the statement regarding the pet fee changed AFTER booking going from "Pets are allowed with an additional $100 pet fee," (making it seem like a $100 flat fee) changed to "There is a pet fee of 100$ per pet that is non refundable," after booking showing up under house manual... If I had known these things prior to booking such as that the pet fee was $100 per pet vs. $100 total as the house rules made it out to be, I would have never booked in the first place. Having a nonrefundable booking do I have any options here? or am I crazy in thinking the initial fee under house rules was a flat fee and not per pet?


Any help and tips in trying to figure out this situation without upsetting the host would be greatly appreciated!!

15 Replies 15

Hi @Lizzie, any suggestions on how to handle the above situation as a guest? Any help and insight would be greatly appreciated!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Tailor1 Only the rules in place and disclosed at the time of booking apply to you. Hosts cannot just add additional rules later.

You should report the listing to Airbnb and ask them to get the host to correct this for future guests.

Thank you @Mike-And-Jane0 !!


Level 10
New York, NY

@Tailor1  You're not crazy - that's not acceptable.  Message  @Airbnbhelp on Twitter for further help.  And don't let your pets on the furniture - that's just rude.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ann72 Our Labrador was kept on the floor until we came downstairs one morning after her 10th birthday to find her on the sofa looking at us as if to say 'I'm old and need more comfort'. whilst I agree she was rather rude we didn't have the heart to turn her off!

@Mike-And-Jane0  Awww - I wouldn't have either!  My 16-year-old Papillon can no longer hop up on the sofa (against the rules - but that's a Papillon for you) so I guess that's good?


I don't mind what people do at home but when you're using a space that other people will be. using, I think you need to take some care.

Thank you @Ann72 ! I appreciate the help, the furniture thing wasn't my big qualm as I completely understand and had no intention of letting them on the furniture. It was more the lack of disclosure of the additional rules and charges as well as change of statements regarding the pet fee, rather than the rules themselves. Thank you for your suggestions!!

@Tailor1  Oh good.  When you message, they'll ask you for your name and email and phone number associated with the account.  Then put in your reservation number and be VERY brief:  "Pre-booking rules stated $100 pet fee.  Post-booking I discover pet fee is PER PET.  As this was not disclosed, I should not be liable.  Please confirm."

@Ann72 Thank you oh so much!! Do you happen to know if they contact the host? I really don't want to upset the host and cause an issue with the stay... If the host refuses to let us stay without paying the pet fee per pet, is there any way to get a refund with a nonrefundable booking? Sorry for all of the questions, and thank you so much for your help!!

@Tailor1  They might just confirm your statement without contacting the host, but I'm not sure.


Nonrefundable isn't ... refundable, so I'm thinking not?  At most you'd get part of the money, so do a cost analysis - $100 vs no refund.


After your stay you can mention the bait-and-switch in your review to warn other guests.  Revenge is a dish best served cold.


And in the meantime, why don't you take a minute to put a picture on your profile.  Lots of hosts do not like the no-pic profile, word to the wise.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Tailor1  Are you sure the pet fees were changed or did you just not notice the additional requirements? 


If they changed them, then you are only bound but whatever they were when you booked.  If you didn't notice them, you could try to work it out with the host, such as only paying the $100 if the place is left w/no damage or extra cleaning requirements, you can also mention that you didn't find the pet rules to be very easy to find or transparent in your review.

@Mark116 No, I honestly think the first statement is viewable prior to booking which I saw and then once you book I looked at reservation details and there was a "house manual" not viewable prior to booking  where there was a whole new list of things and the pet fee statement changed to "There is a pet fee of 100$ per pet that is non refundable." 


After seeing this, I read and searched the listing page many many times and they have the pet fee as "Pets are allowed with an additional $100 pet fee," this is what you see prior to booking. And then once you book you see the additional stuff and that that $100 pet fee is per pet, which is not what I booked knowing. Under the "house manual" section is the original "house rules" section showing what I went off of to book. So I am thinking they have one thing viewable prior to booking but the other stuff only shows up after you book and now feel stuck without causing issues with the host now expecting $300 nonrefundable fee for pets vs. $100 what I booked off of.


My big thing I am wanting to see is does the original statement, "Pets are allowed with an additional $100 pet fee." does this seem like a flat fee? or does this make it seem like it is per pet? Because reading this I was under the impression it was $100 pet fee flat fee not per pet if that makes sense.


Thank you for your help!!

@Tailor1 Have you asked your host about this?  Just tell them that the $100 pet fee you believed was a flat fee,  based on the language on the listing, "$100 pet fee" and are they willing to waive the extra $200?  


I do think its misleading, it isn't difficult to write $100 per pet fee and make it completely clear for prospective guests. 


The house manual may have more details but it shouldn't have anything that is in conflict with what is viewable prior to booking.

@Mark116 I have not mentioned anything yet (just booked Monday, just saw this on the house manual yesterday), as I wanted to be pretty sure I was not the only one who would have thought that and did not want to upset the host if I had no options if they decided not to waive the other $200 and it was on me. That is how I felt too, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.