Hello @Christine3416 from across the oceans and land in Auckland, New Zealand.
Good on you for helping to raise an awareness.
Have you messaged other Hosts in your location through their listings?
Or popped around and spoken to those whose properties you may know in your location to gather support?
Use also the searchbox here in CC using related keywords.
As aside, make sure you mention that people do use ABB & STR'S for a number of reasons including between rental and home ownership properties as a stepping stone, ditto when on transfer, home renovations and all manner of ''Hidden Homeless'' reasons.
It's the Green Party across the world who are pushing some of these challenges we find ourselves in with poorly generated Academic Research surveys on housing without factoring into account a much wider picture of people needing a home.
@Brian @Catherine-Powell @Quincy @Sybe @Emiel0 @Jenny @Stephanie
Let us know how you get on.