

Airbnb offered my guest a $28 nightly rate without getting my ok. Then told me to ask guest for money to make up difference. The difference in payout is $200. I guess as a business model ruthlessness pays but my opinion is it undermines the community. Disappointed, I don’t feel supported..

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anonymous Have you got smart pricing switched on and, if so, what did you set as your minimum rate?

I would ask Airbnb to cancel the reservation if their system caused the issue.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Anonymous  Unless it was a real glitch, the only way that airbnb would be offering a lower price is if you had turned on smart pricing but had not listed a minimum price, in which case, it is totally believable that airbnb would drop it to $28.  

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Anonymous  Airbnb doesn't offer prices- the host does. Check all your pricing setting to make sure you don't have any discounts set (these are often set by default- you have to turn them off) and as others said, make sure Smart Pricing is off. 

Glitches aren't unknown, but most often the host hasn't fully checked their settings.