Question about extra cleaning fee

Level 2
Raleigh, NC

Question about extra cleaning fee

I have a month long guest coming up and would like to offer weekly cleaning. I have a question about the cleaning fee.  If my guest and I agree on a plan that works for both of us- how do I add the extra cleaning fee?  Is there a feature in Airbnb to add a charge?  Thank you! 

4 Replies 4

Is there a way to request money that isn't part of a resolution?  I don't want it to be negative, just a payment for a service we agreed upon. Thank you!

@Virginia637   They could have maybe chosen a better word than "resolutions," but it says right there on that page "Send or request money for extra services." That interim cleaning is nothing if not an extra service. So that's the way you bill it through the Airbnb system.


However, Airbnb doesn't prohibit hosts from requesting payments for extra services off-platform, if you and the guest would prefer to do cash, Venmo, etc.  

However, Airbnb doesn't prohibit hosts from requesting payments for extra services off-platform, if you and the guest would prefer to do cash, Venmo, etc.  

Hey @Anonymous , are you sure about that? The off-platform page that you linked to says this:

all payments related to a guest’s stay, including extensions of a stay (and besides exceptions identified below), must go through Airbnb