Questions about Cancellation

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

Questions about Cancellation

I had a guest who had to cancel.  Under the terms of my listing, I was owed 50% of the reservation fee.  I am having trouble with what was actually refunded to the guest, NOT with what I was paid.


Guest owed me $609 for 3 nights plus cleaning.  After the 3% fee, I was to receive $590.73.

Taxes were $90.35 (held by Air) and Guest Service Fee (Air) was 85.98 for a guest payment total of  $785.33


Upon cancellation, this is what I see:




My question is this -- Did the guest pay 327.98 for the cancelled reservation, or was the guest refunded $609.00?  If they were refunded $609.00, then Air was holding only $176.33 in guest payment.  If Air then paid me $234.74 (242.00 before the 3% fee) then Air is left with a negative $65.67.   


Is this how it works?  Or is there smoke and mirrors as to how much the guest was actually refunded?


Thank you in advance for your comments.



4 Replies 4
Level 10
New York, NY

@Lorna170  What happens to the calculation if you take the occupancy taxes out of it?

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Lorna170 ABB is DEF not giving away money! When a reservation is fully cancelled before it starts then the taxes and the cleaning fee don't happen, those backend removals probably account for the difference. If you actually get paid the $234 then I'd just call that a win.

I am okay with what I got paid.  What I want to know is WHAT did the GUEST end up paying?  Did they get $609.00 back or not?


According to the picture taken of this transaction above:


Was the guest refunded $609.00 of their original $785.33?


Did the guest PAY 327.98?

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lorna170 The only way to find out for sure would be to ask the guest.