I need a cleaning co for my small 1 br air b n b ** text me ...
I need a cleaning co for my small 1 br air b n b ** text me Scott
**[Phone number removed for privacy reasons in line with...
I have reached out to AirB&B multiple times regarding this and I am sure I am not the only one that has this issue. I manage eight different properties for 5 different owners. Of course, each has their own bank acct associated with their listing where their payouts go. My problem is; when I have a resolution for a particular property, say I request $100 pet fee from Property A, that payout has to go into a "default account" not the account/listing associated with the resolution. Why? I can't set one owners account to be the default account because then all of the resolutions would go into or out of that one account. So, I had to set up my own account as the default and now I have to separate and keep track of what amount for what listings I have to pay out or pay myself back. WHY IS IT SET UP THIS WAY? If I request a $100 pet fee on Property A, why doesn't that $100 go directly in that properties account?
MAJOR headache! I even got a survey about this several months ago and thought they were changing it, but it hasn't changed. Anybody else have this issue and have a better way to handle?
You aren't kidding. See what the other lady has said and maybe that is why but I just can't understand with an organization as big as they are, they can't find a solution.
Airbnb- please rectify this issue now!!!
Hi @Jane1083
Are you a Co-Host on these properties with full access or a team member? Airbnb appears to be phasing out teams?
Co-Host permissions Help Article seems contradictory regarding resolution center requests and Host damage protections? Perhaps unless the Host processes the resolution center request under their profile, Airbnb is requiring the Co-Host that processes one have payouts go to a default account? Not sure. Very confusing:
"Choose the Co-Host permissions that work for the people who help you host:
"Please note that no Co-Host can view or change a listing owner’s or other Co-Host’s payout method or taxpayer info. Only listing owners can set up or edit a Co-Host’s payouts. Co-Hosts cannot submit requests for reimbursement under Host damage protection."
What Co-Hosts Can Do
Hi Joan:
No, I am the host. I have a co-host on two of my eight listings and those are the owners who want to see the conversations, etc. It's strictly an issue with their system and they are aware of it. They even sent out a survey about it a few years ago but never changed it.
It should be that any resolution pay-outs or taking money in should go through the listing it is associated with- which also is tied directly to a bank account but it doesn't work like that for resolutions. They use a default account for those therefore you have to assign ONE default account. I can't do that because I have six owners/accounts.
I was not aware of that and I was a Co-Host for an owner with 2 properties (2 different listings). Yup...that needs to be changed for sure. Not sure what their logic would be in using a default account instead of the bank account connected to the listing. The only thing I can see is that whenever you do a resolution request it seems to go to a 3rd party software format? So maybe they are using a vendor to perform these functions instead of a native Airbnb landing page (similar to the Host Guidebook) 🤔. Perhaps that is the limitation?
Hmm...perhaps that is it?? It still seems like they should be able to correct that because we know there have to be more people in the same situation. I can't tell you how many phone calls I've made to them about it to no avail. I don't know of anything else to do to try it get it elevated to the right people. If you think of anything....please let me know! It makes me want to not use the platform.
Hello @Joan2709 and @Jane1083, thank you very much for sharing this in our community.
I will make sure to pass this information on to the relevant team. I will keep you updated if I hear back from them. It would also be a good idea to share this through the official Airbnb feedback page.
That would be great. I believe I have posted it on there in the past but I will do it again.
I absolutely agree, this is a major problem for me too.
I complained a year ago and asked Airbnb to fix this BUG to make our lives easier.
I manage two properties:
They are separate businesses, different owners, separate for tax reasons.
At the end of my accounting year, my accountant ( at some expense to the business !) and I have to spent a considerable time shuffling the resolution payouts that are not being paid into the property account related to the property.
Major pain every time there's a payout for extra pet fee, broken mug etc which has been paid into the account related to a different property.
We are still waiting for a fix for this... we manage 9 listings and we had to ask our banker to open up a separate "RESOLUTIONS" account that is now the default- and at the end of every month I have to zero this account out to make sure each property carries it's respective expenses/income.
A LOT of extra work for everyone- @Airbnb needs to fix this! All of us hosts need to unite to keep pushing this HUGE Issue!!!
As silly as it sounds, my default account is building up a big negative balance due to refunds etc... But it can sit that way until AirBNB fixes the mess... Still collecting my payouts... 🙂
Still is not fixed. Just found out the hard way. Noticed the 2 $ requests I just sent and it wound up in my default. Not in the bank account its assigned to.
Yes...this has been an on-going issue that many Hosts have asked Airbnb to correct for awhile. It seems easy enough to correct from an end user standpoint. All you can do is provide feedback to Airbnb and hope for the best.