Room Pricing

Room Pricing

We have 6 double rooms available, but can't seem to price per room on site.

Help please?


6 Replies 6
Level 3
Hamburg, Germany

Hi @Mickey44 

That's an impressive number of rooms!

I make different listings for each room and note in the listing there are other guests in the house.

Are your rooms identical? If so you could create 1 listing and assign beds. Set capacity of people between 1 - 12. Explain in the listing how you'd assign room to them.

If the rooms are different it'd be better to create different listings or group rooms together if you want to offer some to group travelers.


What it's really like to run Airbnb in Germany

Hi Vicky,

Thanks you so much...I thought we had done what you suggest, but no...(the rooms are close enogh to pass for identical)   If you have time could explain more about that idea,,,1 listing with explanation. At the moment the price for one room is showing for whole house...Aaaaaah!   No worries if you don't have time.  Thanks again. Cheers  Mickey

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mickey44 I don't think what @Vicky383 is saying will work. If you only have one listing then it will show as not available as soon as one person books. You need 6 listings to do what you are trying to do as per your other post responses.

You can then have a seventh listing with all 6 rooms and an eight with 5 rooms etc. Just need to synchronise your calendar carefully to ensure you don't get double booked.

Hi M and J,  Thanks for that...does it really mean doing the whole thing 6 info etc?

W e are very new to this,   Also. just so you wife is called this is Mike (Mickey)  and Jane (Janie) to MIke and Jane...tickled me.  You can google Chez castillon to see our place if you are interested at all.  Thanks again. Cheers Mickey

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mickey44 Yes it does although you can duplicate your listing.

Go to the home page and click create new listing on the top right hand side

then you have an option to create new or duplicate existing.

I think you should then change the bedroom picture in each listing to match the bedroom for that listing.

Also make sure it is clear in the current listing what areas are shared etc. before you start or you'll have to edit in 6 places.

If you only do 6 listings you won't have to learn how to synchronise calendars just yet!

Say hello to Janie for me - I've already looked at the listing through your profile - looks rather nice.


Airbnb pricing is not *per room* rather, it's *per person*. With that said..... for the 6 rooms, up to how many different guest groups and how many guests in total do you plan to allow at any given time? 


For instance, if your set up is like a guest house, and can support having max capacity in all 6 rooms - then you need to have 6 separate private room listings. Then work on defining different *groups* of rooms with the calendars linked. 


If you only want 2 or 3 different guest groups at any given time, then group your rooms accordingly (based on proximity and which bathroom each group/room has to share) as 2~3 listings and explain the details in your listing description. 


If you only plan to have a single (large) guest group at one time, but want to limit access to rooms based on total headcount, you need to decide in advance which room(s) will be assigned depending on group size, factor in the cost of an additional room into the addition guest fee, determine your additional room fee in case the guest wants to use more rooms than allocated and plan out and price for all the different possibilities. Also, this would mean you need to have a way to LOCK and limit access to spaces the guests did not pay for. 


Once you have a clear idea of HOW you plan to host, then you can create listings accordingly. 


You can refer to help articles for more details. Hope this helps~