Short Term Rentals blocked in Woodstock, NY

Level 2
New York, NY

Short Term Rentals blocked in Woodstock, NY

Would love more info on the Woodstock, N.Y. STR Moratorium and how people may be dealing with this.


I just received a letter from the Town Bldg dept so paused my listing for now. Are people extending their stays to 30 days to avoid  local STR issues? I'd be curious to know more from local hosts in the same situation.


I can't believe there are not any conversations about this!



2 Replies 2

I would like to know more about this as well. I am 

in the same situation. I will

invetstigate this .

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi there @Svenja65, I would recommend taking a look on our "Get Local" page as you might have a better chance to find local Hosts. 


I hope this helps!





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