The calender of a listing provides options for special promotions:
- Choose "promotions" (if option is offered).
- Select a time period, which is for some reason (?) limited to max. 2 weeks.
- Set a discount percentage. (minimal 10%, maximum.50%)
The more discount you apply, the more "promotion" Airbnb promises, in order:
1. New line item on your price breakdown
2. Strikethrough styling on search pages and your listing
3. Special callout on your listing page
4. Placement in emails to guests
But when testing it i noticed a few things:
- When a weekly discount is set in the listing, the promotion discount is only offered for a less then 7 nights stay. So the promotion totally disappears when the weekly discount applies.
-.When opted for it (minimal 15% discount), I could not see any "special callout" (promise 3) on my listing page.
And last but not least i wondered:
What are the "emails to guests" where a promotion will be placed (promise 4) and do i receive a copy of them ?