Hi I still haven't received my three payments for reservations in July, totaling $3,934.32. Obviously there was a technical mistake with airbnb or in my bank because all other payments have gone through, except for the month of July. Ive called a customer support so many times, spent so many hours on explaining my situation, asking to evaluate my request, adding a new payment to my account and so on. They closed a few chats with me saying that they forwarded my case to the department, I had to call them again every time and open the case again. I don't believe they evaluated my case and it will be solved as they said they see the problem but don't know when it will be solved.
Last representative sent my a code for $50 for the inconvenience instead of helping me resolve my case and send me my $3,934.32...
I don't know what to do ... Should I get a lawyer or is there a way to reach someone who can push button and initiate my payments for July?
Its getting very close to the end of the year and i need to have my finances all together to close the year.