Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

Suddenly no more bookings for next 2 months

We have had steady bookings for the past 2 years with most months completely full. Now we have no bookings at all, not even one. I am worried that the listing is not visible or that some setting has changed that I don't know about.  We have instant booking on and smart pricing on and good reviews and 96% response rate.


Please advise. I am really worried about this.

77 Replies 77

To save a host to favorite

hit photo...hit view profile...hit view airbnb their listing and save to favorites if you like it....each save moves that host up in their neighborhood.@Sarah @LeighAnn2

Help? I see "wish list" but not favorites. Where is that option?

@H-B0. Thats it.  Wish list

Level 2
Betty's Bay, South Africa

It is not just winter weather or elections that are causing the slow down in bookings! My suite is in sunny South Africa with the summer holidays starting. After regular bookings from AirBnB I have not had one since the beginning of Nov. I am not subscribing to IB as I would like more control over my reservations. I am also not following the price tips given by AirBnB as the price I have set is the price for the suite, which is is lower than the average rate in our area for two people sharing. I get the impression that the Smart Pricing relates to the rate per person and not per unit, or am I incorrect?


Level 1
Austin, TX

I'm experiencing the same dramatic slowdown in Austin. I've been about 90% booked since joining in May, and I have zero bookings for all of December. I've dropped my price 25%. Other listings in the area are priced higher than mine. I just did a search for my area for next week, and my listing didn't even show up. Any other suggestions? Do I submit a support request to Airbnb? Thanks for any help you can provide! PS- I haven't turned on Instant Book, bc I want to maintain more control over my calendar. 

Well I just logged in, and showed up under recommended listings. I think it could be a lot of things. Maybe Airbnb is getting backlash from its popularity and the public perception that it is troublesome and disrupts neighborhoods. I know vacation rental laws are passing in many many counties in California. We went through decades without new laws in some vacation destination communities, and now, say Palm Springs for instance, is passing very strict laws. I live in Oakland, and I thinking that since the San Francisco effect has empacted home values dramatically in my neighborhood, the competition is ten fold from a couple of years ago. Probably because people like the extra cash to pay that whopping tax bill. Thankfully Oakand has not passed many short term rental laws. I am afraid, my lack of bookings is good old fashioned competion. Its time to update the photos in January! Happy Holidays everyone. 

@Sarah446 tweet or FB the problem.

Level 2
Betty's Bay, South Africa

Ihad an almost immediate response from Airbnb after putting my complaint on their main FB page. I was told that, although the name of my village and country were visible on my listing, my street address was not and therefore potential guests were not able to find me. Strange that something so small had removed my listing! I had made no changes to my address so could not see why this had happened or why this should be the cause  of not getting any enquiries. So, I edited my address, adding the street number which originally I had been unable to do - the Google map had just picked up our erf number. I have been assured that my listing is now visible. Bookings will tell. I hope this helps all of you who have been experiencing a sudden standstill in terms of bookings.

@Vivienne7  @LeighAnn2  This is nonesense...covering up bad computer program.


last year my listing disappeared and after getting no joy from the phone support, posted on FB. Got results.

This year I disappeared again but was back up 2 days later with no reprt to Abnb.  The only way you can be sure if you are live is to go to a strange computer and search.  Your URL will always show you and your computer has cookies directing it to your listing.

For the life of me I can not understand why such an amazing company cant get the most important basics to function consistantly.

I am willing to try anything. For some reason, I cannot edit my address.

@Lorraine37 @lizzie. Lorraine, please stert a new thread with your question.

this one is the creature that ate Cleveland.

Same here too. I am replying because I joined in May too. Despite remarks that there are too many apartments now in Airbnb, my first few months were great. I pitched my price just a little lower than others in the area and I got about 80-95% booking.


Following stagnant 3 weeks in September/October 2016, I reduced my prices 45% for almost a month and it made no difference! So, I went to internet Cafes and tried to login and search for dates I know my apartment is free. My apartment was not  coming up even for periods of over a month!

Based on the suggestion of one of the Hosts, I recently snoozed for four days. It made no difference.  I have since put my price  back up to a level in my area. It still doesn't change the fact that my apartment is not even coming up in search results. Also, Stats shown on my iPad are not accurate. It says I have had booking when in fact I have had none!!!

I recently received an email suggesting I reduce my price by over 50%. If the price I charge per day is about as much as it cost to deep clean the apartment, then, there is nothing left to cover expenses let alone some profit.

I must confess that I am very disullusioned and desparately need help from Airbnb.

The same is true for my listing too. I was getting reasonable amount of inquiries and bookings. All of a sudden, no more bookings.


To make the situation even more ridiculous (forgive my language but it is), my iPad was showing False Statistics.


For example in Jan 2017, it says that I have had 244 views, 45 requests and 9 reservations! - I wish it were true.

Now, I cannot comment on the number of views, but I know for sure that, I have had ZERO requests and ZERO bookings.

As a result, I have literally walked into a number of internet shops and done a search, even narrowing it down to my area. My property doesn't come up! Even though for the dates I entered for one of my searches - London wide, 18/01/2017 - 31/01/2017 only three pages came up. My property was not amongst them. I checked my filters carefully. Everything looks ok.

My prices (for what I am offering) are practically the lowest in the area and in entire London for that matter, and yet, I have no genuine views, inquries or bookings.

I have been reading the community comments and it appears a great number of Hosts are having this problem. Like them, I am very, very concerned. I snoozed for a few days hoping that would help. It didn't. Nevertheless, the Stats shown for my property increased and looked more laughable than before. I now have 17 Reservations!!. Would really appreciate URGENT HELP PLEASE.

Thanks in advance.


@Lorraine-Forex0 I think there is definitely somewrong going wrong with your listing. See my reply on the separate thread you posted. I looked at your profile, but I couldn't see your listing there, only your guidebook. Maybe others can see it, but I can't! I think you need to contact Airbnb about this!

Thanks Huma for taking the time to look. Appreciate it.