

Why do I keep getting messages from airbnb saying that tax info is needed subject to freezing pay out. Everytime I go to taxes resident in the EU, am told that no information is required from me.


is it because am co-host and all payments come to me? My daughter UK resident is main host but receives no payment.

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Benoit357 if the payments are coming to you then presumably Airbnb thinks you are responsible for paying tax. Who is actually liable to pay the tax on earnings from your rental and in which country?

Am not disputing that am responsible for paying taxes. Question is why do I keep getting airbnb message but when I go to taxes, airbnb tells me that no further info is needed from me

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Benoit357 Perhaps because Airbnb does not need any further information from you?

Airbnb only needs sufficient information to allow them to provide the tax authorities with information relevant to Airbnb earnings. It is your responsibility to fill out whichever tax return is needed in what ever jurisdiction(s) to ensure you pay the correct amount of tax. Our tax returns have significantly more income than Airbnb reports as we take maybe 20-30% of private bookings on top of the Airbnb bookings.

Airbnb do not have any obligation to routinely provide HMRC with information, unless it is part of a specific tax investigation into a specific tax payer and they are served with a specific notice.  

As you say, the UK has Self Assessment, and if HMRC were to enquire or ask for more information, of course, we would provide Airbnb information like we would provide any invoices or receipts. 

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

I got those messages too.   My property is in the UK.

When I queried why they suddenly wanted my Tax Info, when HMRC do not require that they report any income directly, they replied and said: 

"You made mentioned that your listings are located in the United Kingdom which is a part of the European Union"

Oh dear .... no it's not!!!   Once I finally explained to them that the UK is no longer part of the EU, and EU rules about Tax Reporting do not apply in the UK, they settled down.  

Did make me laugh! Although it was also annoying