Toilet paper shortage across Australia

Toilet paper shortage across Australia

Does anyone have any helpful suggestions regarding this recent insanity happening Australia wide, every store I’ve visited over the past three days is out of tissues, toilet paper and kitchen paper, even baby wipes (wet ones)!

our supplies are rather low and it’s a concern on what to do regarding our guests 

31 Replies 31


"There is such a fine line between humans acting civilised and reverting to barbarians"

sure is - take a look at this. If it was an anti vaccine I could ALMOST understand. But toilet paper?  It would be funny if it wasn't so real...


It just beggars belief, doesn't it? That's the thing about any crisis - brings out the very best in some people, and the very worst in others. 

@Susan17 a girl I went to school with, who is rather "Zen" posted on FB re this that we should be offering these people empathy, not judgement, and to try to understand that deep fears lead to irrational behaviours. I never ever ever comment on anything on FB, but I was very tempted to say  - yes irrational behaviours like lynching people and burning witches at the stake.   we are just a step away from barbarity it seems. And its not even a genuine emergency. Sometimes I feel like becoming a hermit.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I was just in a huge Tesco in Earls Court (AKA Kangaroo Valley) and not a loo roll in sight. Madness. 

Level 7
Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico


My Dad (in Australia) told me about this insanity as well as the newspaper printing a special, perforated pull-out section for use toilet paper!  


It will be a case of managing guest expectations.  If guests are travelling from within the country, they will be aware of the shortage.  Perhaps guests travelling from elsewhere can bring some with them.  You could ration your remaining stock on the basis of "considerate usage" until the supply issue resolves itself (and the tin hat brigade calms down with their stockpiling).      

It's only a matter of time before people start re-selling the TP with a markup. But please dear god let it not be second-hand.

I had a very bad guest once, @Anonymous . Fancied himself a rebel. No rules for him. Also drugs were involved, which cranked things up a notch.

Amongst what he left upon check-out was his used toilet paper looped and hanging in the tree branches. Apparently I should have saved it. Oh well. Opportunity lost for that secondhand market. 🙂

If anyone is worried, no, he will never be able to book anyplace ever again under that profile, given my review of him. 

@Lawrene0   Just when you think you've heard everything...


I think you're kind of joking, but actually, in Australia, profiteering on toilet paper started a few days ago.

 A pack of 20 was advertised on FB for $2000.          @Lawrene0  not as good as your story....

Level 10
Madrid, Spain

OMG. I was angry last week when I could not buy alcohol and sanitizer in our big supermarkets. Now seems that they have solved it somehow. But toilet paper?! Why? What else will disappear from the stocks? Should we buy candles, salt, spaghetti already? 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Feeling a little smug that I had Japanese-style toilets fitted 18 months ago. Not such a daft idea after all!

Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

We don't have any problems with the TP still. But we have local factories, the TP is not an import product here.

Also, the bidets are very popular.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Don't give all those stained towels and sheets to the animal shelter or the thrift store, folks. We might have to cut them up in 4" squares and stack them next to the toilet.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Arghh I am so sorry. Perhaps a good temporary solution for the shortage would to install a small bidet spray. It’s a lot more hygienic than toilet paper would really ever be and people would consume less it would be to dry it vs wiping. 

Also check online- there are so many independent companies out there producing sustainably sourced TP! Good luck 

Level 10

@Golddess0 On a serious and hopefully genuinley helpful note, have you tried online hotel suppliers? I'm not sure where in Australia you are, but I know near my listing ( Sunshine Coast, qld) a warehouse supplier at Noosa had plenty of sanitiser, TP, tissues left, when all the supermarkets in the vicinity were bare. I suppose I too have been guilty of stockpiling - over the last 3 days I've bought 3 x 24pack - mainly to ensure I do have supplies for my next 4 bookings should push come to shove.  As that's only i pack more than I ususally have in reserve, I dont' feel tooo guilty.  However,  I absolutley CANNOT understand the rush on bottled water. Even supposing half the country had to be in quarantine, I dont' see how water from the tap wouldnt' be perfectly adequate.  It's not like a cyclone or floods. Personally, I'd be more inclined to stock up on chocolates, cheese, icecream and alcohol - the time in quarantine would certainly pass more quickly...