I'm confused about payments of occupancy taxes and fees in U...
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I'm confused about payments of occupancy taxes and fees in Unincorporated Dekalb County Georgia. I thought my guests wouldn't...
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Hi all
I was wondering what other hosts are doing to minimise the impact on the current gas increases within the United Kingdom. Over the summer months I have families stay for a week or two and their washing machine usage is high. My energy bills have quadrupled since July and wondered if not offering a washing machine would help costs albeit less attractive to families? How are other hosts preparing for the energy increase?
@Simon2668 Our average costs for energy across 3 apartments work out at £300/month or so varying between £110 in Summer and £600 in Winter . On a per night basis it is largely irrelevant BUT I would advise all hosts to keep proper accounts split out by cost category so they know what rate they have to charge to make money. Accounts are needed anyawyfor tax purposes anyway and a simple spreadsheet is easy to create and monitor.
Hi @Simon2668 . I'm not in UK, but I'm curious what is the connection between the gas prices and the washing machine?
Yes that’s right, my one is plumbed into the water mains. I’ve sourced a new electric washing machine now. The radiators and hot water is all run on gas too but my concern is how are hosts adapting their properties during the energy price hike?
@Simon2668 I've never heard of domestic gas washing machines BUT changing to electric will be financially disastrous. typical gas cost £0.04/kWhr, typical electric cost £0.20/kWhr.
Better decisions would be ensuring all lightbulbs are LED (6W cf 60W) along with draught proofing doors and windows if you have an older house.
@Simon2668 I'd say to calculate how much the cost of gas you used to pay in the past compared to now, and up your nightly price by enough to cover it. It will likely only amount to a very small increase per night, not enough to affect your bookings.
All businesses increase their prices as the cost of living goes up.
It depends on the demographic of guests you tend to get as to whether to just eliminate washing machine use. I only host one guest in a private room and my washing machine isn't offered to guests. They sometimes wash out an item they need clean in a pail, and if I'm doing a wash myself, I'll ask if they have any items they'd like to add to it.
But if your clientele is families who stay for at least several days, a washing machine could be the difference between a guest choosing another similar listing over yours.
There is also nothing wrong with asking guests to please be respectful of energy use and only do a wash when they have a full load. There are people who will fire up the machine to wash one tee shirt and a pair of socks they want to wear that night. These are usually people who don't pay for their utiilities at home- they probably rent where utilities are included, or they're young and still live with mom and dad who pay the bills 🙂
Thanks you Sarah for your input on my query and sound advise. It is much appreciated.
Hosts and guests alike will be facing challenging times ahead of these price increases.
thank you.