Waiting for money from Airbnb for almost 5 weeks

Level 1
Nosara, Costa Rica

Waiting for money from Airbnb for almost 5 weeks

Hello dear community. I am very desperate. and hope someone here in the community can help.

I have been waiting for the money from Airbnb from 3 different guests for almost 5 weeks.

I have sent countless messages to customer service and call them every day.

Sometimes they tell me the money has already been sent and send me the trekking numbers.

In the next message they tell me again that the money is being held back because I have not fulfilled something like the 2-factor authentication, but that is all not true. I have fulfilled everything and I have rented out my house through Airbnb in the past and received the money the next day the guests checked in.

But this time it doesn't work.

I have been to my bank several times, which is very difficult in Costa Rica. You can't just call anyone at the bank, you have to go there and wait 3 hours, and when it's your turn, they tell you they don't need these trekking numbers, they need a special document, the MT 103 internal document with the swift code from which the money was sent by Airbnb.

But Airbnb tells me that they don't work with such a document - and then they close the case!

I really don't know what to do. How is my bank supposed to search for the money if they don't know from which bank the transfer was made?

I urgently need this money because providing a place in the middle of the jungle to guests requires a lot of maintenance.


I would be very interested to know if anyone here in the community has had similar experiences, waiting for their money for over five weeks and not receiving any satisfactory news from Airbnb's money department.

And if yes, where is the solution?

Thank you for your support! A.

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @LoveNosara0 👋


I'm really sorry to hear that you didn't receive your payouts as expected. I wondered if you had heard from customer support any further since you posted? Have you attempted to ask for the tracking numbers? 


I'm hoping as it's been a while since you posted that you have now received your payout. It would e great to hear from you. 😊



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